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practically a married man.......!
     Cheerio! I'm deserting you for more yangona! Love to Ruth -

On board LEI
June 29th
Dear Ed -
     Had my half hour on Karoni this morning & collected 2 sacks of [[underlined]] beautiful [[/underlined]] orbitoids - a real foram ls in places - smaller foram as molds but larger ones perfectly preserved. Corals rare & poorly preserved. Nine-tenths of the ls. is porous & pitted & there is lots of secondary stuff. Never-the-less I shall stop off at Karam again if possible - while sailing from Namuka to Oneata. Shall try a map as the outline of the island interests me.

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We discharged passengers at noon on Komo and now (4 [[superscript]] 30 [[/superscript]] PM) are nearing Lakemba. Its a beautiful day with a gentle SE wind. I've been basking in the sun (sans shirt) & feeling simply swell. Willy is deep in [[underlined]] Golden Horn, [[/underlined]] Yeats Brown's remarkable war book. I suppose you are leaning over the rail of the [[underlined]] Aorangi [[/underlined]] & calling "Sa mothe!" to your friends.
Bon voyage, Edward!
P.S. - Add this to "Spice of Life in The South Seas" - When I awoke Tuesday morning in Loma loma it was blowing like hell & Stockwell & I agreed that the [[underlined]] Adimoce [[/underlined]] surely would not start as planned.