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I reconciled myself to a day of office work, reading & beer.  Since I had been on a cutter for two days I started off with a big dose of [[underline]] Fruit Salts [[/underline]].  A few minutes later Willy came in -- "Are you all ready, Doctor? They are just pulling up the anchor." -- "Sure, Willy," I replied, "I'm [[underline]] ready [[/underline]] !!


Lakemla, Sat. June 30th

Dear Ed --
    Swell day! Have gotten the mollusk fauna I predicted from Lakemla -- associated with tremendous orbitoids.  At least one of my Nasongo mollusks has wandered out to Lan! 

   Eason is giving a big yangona party tonight -- Fiji grog & radio music (he gets [[underline]] excellent [[/underline]] reception here) Even Willy has been persuaded

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to attend.  (Thank God there is to be [[underline]] no dancing! [[/underline]] )

     Lots of boat complications, all of which I shan't take time to explain.  Anyway I sail on the LEI at noon for Vanna Vatu, an island as yet unvisited by a geologist. Am guaranteed 9 hours of daylight ashore & that I figure is worth £ 2-0-0.  We shall see!  Stewart claims island is all ls. as far as he knows.  Willy says the passage is difficult (where China cutter was wrecked, remember?)

   Sa mothe 


Lakemla, Sunday July 1st

Dear Ed --
An overcast day & no 

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Transcription Notes:
ls. is perhaps his abbreviation for limestone I agree with the statement above