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Suva he discovered that he had to return to Lakemba on the [[underlined]] Lei [[/underlined]] and damn if old Steward didn't make him pay ‎£ 2-0-0 passage back! Steward claimed that the charter ended in Suva!

My trips to Mothe and Karoni cost us ‎£ 2-0-0, one pound for me & [[underlined]] the same for Willy. [[/underlined]] The Namuka jaunt was set at ‎£ 3-0-0 but I objected & got him to knock of 10s.

We had a couple of good parties at Eason's - the radio furnishing excellent music to accompany the yangona.  Ratu Jopi & the Turanga-ni-Koro cracked jokes all evening & all the village bells attended (I didn't ring any!) - [[underlined]] No [[/underlined]]

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[[underlined]] dancing [[/underlined]] !

Listen to the rain! - Anyway, 2 months from day-after-tomorrow is my wedding day -

[[underline]] Taki! [[/underline]]

Namuka, Lan
July 3, 1934
Dear Edward -

Hell of a rain last night but it began to clear shortly after we hauled up the anchor at 7 [[superscript]] 30 [[/superscript]] AM.  A calm sea & a good time to have engine trouble - so we had it! Nothing serious, however, & we came into Namuka's bay at high noon.  The Mbuli is a relative of Willy and under obligation to Willy for 60-odd