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crowd tonight & while I worked on the map Willy delivered an illustrated lecture on "Tuki-vatu Agassiz".

Our sixth chicken arrived today! Am afraid I'm eating too much again!

This afternoon the Chinaman invited me in for a smoke after my bath & later I presented him with a corn-cob pipe. He wanted to pay for it & was all Chinese smiles when I convinced him it was a present!

Ho-hum! - time to finish the grog & stretch out on my creaking bed of slats.  


Tell Ruth that if she ever invites Jane & Harry to dinner 

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this fall she must [[underline]] not [[/underline]] serve chicken.  I have a feeling that after this trip I shall shudder every time I hear a rooster crow!


July 7th
Dear Ed -

Yesterday we left a canoe on the western side of the island so as to be all set for a good start on the NW coast today. We hiked off bright & early but were not able to complete the map. Wind & wave & current were against us & when the tide was two hours past ebb I had to quit. Its the most difficult stretch of coast I've ever tried to walk. There isn't enough of a nip to make a cat-walk in some places so the canoe had to put in constantly to ferry me across