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under the chin at night but as I am a short fellow they only hit the top of my head!

Willy is having a little lali & sticks made for me here. Jane & I shall use them this winter in summoning our friends the Hoffmusters to dinner! Am also having coconut cups made.  Have already been presented with a new yangona strainer so prepare for the "Fiji party"!  I'll bring a bag of yangona from Suva. I [[underline]] hope [[/underline]] Jane likes yangona as well as I do -- but that's asking quite a bit of even so grand a bride as Jane, isn't it?

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But I shall not heat it 20 minutes!

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Willy is looking forward 

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to "our trip to Vitilun to see those cannibals!" -- [[underline]] So am I! [[/underline]]  But that's some time ahead yet & it doesn't do to think too much about it. Thank God there is plenty of work or I surely would get ants!

For your consolation I do hereby confess that I left a hammer on an outcrop today! -- aim to get it tomorrow.  [Later -- got it!]

Collected 3 bottles & 2 sacks of land shells for Cooke & had Willy nab two tremendous fat-bodied spiders for your Rochester friend.

-- And that, boys & girls, is all the news today. I will settle down with some cigarettes to do a little serious Saturday-night yangona drinking.

Take it easy --

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