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[[start page]] Caution - If taken more than a few pages at a time this book is absolutely [[underline]]DEADLY[[/underline]]! [[end page]]
[[start page]] Vol. II
Namuka, July 19, '34
Dear Ed -
Last night I mailed you "Vol. I - the yarn of the stranded sailor" - I hope this will be the "yarn of the [[underline]] sailing [[/underline]] sailor" for at 6 [[underline]]00 [[underline/]] AM tomorrow morning I am due to be on the high seas - may they not be too "high"!
This morning the [[underline]]Advnce[[/underline]] & The Tulanga canoe sailed early. We (Willy & I & the schoolmaster) went across to the north side of the island & examined the ancient fortified cave that I told you of yesterday. From a high point on the northern ridge Willy (The old Eagle-Eye!) sighted two canoes. He rightly figured that one was the Tulanga canoe bound for Oneata & the other [[underline]]OUR[[/underline]] canoe bound for Namuka. Our canoe anchored at Matandoh in the early afternoon & [[end page]]