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28 wind & was on the beach. The boys tried to shift her on the sand but with a falling tide it was impossible - back to sleep! Worked most of the morning getting the boat back on the mud flat. Off at 200 pm - over the reef at 300 pm & by tacking into a head wind under thin clouds we reached the Yangasá reef at 800 pm. Moon shining thinly through the clouds as we went over the lee reef - just scraping once. [[left margin, insertion]] Willy, of course, up on the Vangaloa directing our course! He had never seen Yangasá before but he is a boss by nature - and a good one [[/insertion]] At 1000 pm we reached the bay on Navutu Iloma & supper is now being prepared. Found 3 canoe loads of Ongea people here - stopping off enroute to Oneata. Canoes surely do sail all around these islands! The little cave we planned on occupying is [[end page]] [[start page]] 29 filled with sleeping Ongeans! Unfortunately my "favorite Fijian", Tui Ongea, is not present. Now for a supper of cold pig and hot bananas! Cheerio - Harry. P.S. - The limestone - by lantern light - looks [[underlined]] rotten! [[/underlined]] - honeycombed like a bath sponge! - but bring on some daylight & we shall see! H. Later - Now quarter to twelve & I'm stretched out on the beach next to a fire. No mosquitoes, no rats, no sand flies and (I hope!) no rain - Sa mothe H.
Transcription Notes:
Ni Sa Moce (pronounced "mothe") - See you again (respectfully) in Fijian