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[[underlined]] more [[/underlined]] naked hermits whose houses had broken open! So you see Ed, I am really learning the Fijian language!
Off shortly after 800 in a swell breeze for Yangasá Levu. Tacked up to the south end & landed on its rocky shores. Willy & I explored the "terrace" - which proved to be an elevated rim surrounding a flat 10-15' above sea level. - Cracked many a rotten limestone and THEN [[circled, underlined]] Orbitoids [[/circled]] Swell ones, Ed. Some lenticular ones & then some like [[Thikombra?]] [[arrow]] [[Image; pencil sketch]]
[[left margin, insertion]] [[arrow]] also [[underlined]] discoid smaller [[/underlined]] forams - well preserved [[/insertion]]
I then planned to climb the cliff - 390 feet. Willy frankly says that he is not keen on cliff climbing (after yesterday) so I left him behind, though he would have tried it. Made the top OK & [[left margin, insertion]] Willy said "I don't think so - you make that, Doctor"! [[/insertion]] 
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then climbed up & down - up & down - [[insertion]] ^ along the rim [[/insertion]] to the highest point. The seaward views alone were worth the climb - 3 atolls & a barrier [[underlined]] in one picture [[/underlined]] - and it was dead low tide as I took them. If [[underlined]] only [[/underlined] they are good! (Had trouble with my shutter several days ago - have got it working again but I have to take off the plate over the "setting" rig every now & then).
The views to landward were not as open as I had hoped. But the [[underlined]] south [[/underlined]] rim 

[[left margin, insertion]] [[arrow]] Rock on top pure white, crystalline & some coral -- no forams [[/insertion]]

& the [[underlined]] west [[/underlined]] rim are narrow & dip sharply to an interior basin. I climbed a tree & saw quite a bit of both. I got one view of a part of the NE side & it also dips inward. [[underlined]] So [[/underlined]] the island has a high rim but whether or not (as in Tuvuthá) there is more than one basin I don't know. It doesn't matter much for our purposes. Here is a [[underlined]] remnant [[/underlined]]

Transcription Notes:
Can't work out what [[Thekombra?]] is -@siobhanleachman forams = Foraminifera