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as there are no plantations here. The other views are taken except gathering & cutting nuts - I get these later - and Sukuna if I can ever catch him!
Have finished plotting. It certainly is fun to watch the map grow. 
Today I accidentally lumped into a public whipping scene - just at the finish. A young fellow holding his grown (14 yrs?) sister and breaking a paper-mulberry stick across her legs - while half the village watched without  comment. The poor girl was almost hysterical & had I arrived a bit sooner I think I would have tried to stop it. I questioned him about it this afternoon. He said she was always fighting & that was his reason for whipping her - apologized for my seeing it - didn't know I was around, etc. My God, if I'd been in Mothe I'd have heard her! Anyway he has
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a mean face & the more I see of it the less it appeals to me. He wants me to take him to Lekemba when we sail - fat chance!
Last night after our sevu-sevu the Acting Mbuli sent word of our arrival to the other village & tonight arrived  3 [[underlined]] tremendous [[/underlined]] baskets & a pot of hot food! The Turanga-ni-koro & the chief brought them over. The usual delightful ceremony & when the giver apologized ^ [[insertion]] with gesture [[/insertion]] for the small size of the present & Willy shouted "Levu! levu!" I again had to stifle a McGusty-Sorke grin - [[underlined]] with difficulty! [[/underlined]]
In some house Willy has found a student lamp with a green shade - it surely is a help with the plotting! We put on style in Oneata!
I am now properly saturated with yangona & its time to go to bed. I