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Lakemla, Aug. 10th
Dear Ed - 
Showers continued all day yesterday & into the evening. Today in clear & I wish I had some field work to do. Of course I [[underlined]] could [[/underlined]] go out & like over the anderiter or the rotten lss. of the interior but I think I should find little or nothing of interest. Here in this comfortable house I can at least do a little writing.
The [[underlined]] Ademoie [[/underlined]] has just come through the passage. We thought at first that is was the [[underlined]] Lei [[/underlined]] & I had hoped of an early get-away but no such luck. You see, Ed, I am [[underlined]] still [[/underlined]] an optimist when I can believe - even temporarily - that a Lanan boat could arrive 2 days [[underlined]] ahead [[/underlined]] of schedule!
Last night the missionary Mr. Green bought his wife over for Mah Jong. They are nice well-meaning people but "story -
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book missionaires" in many ways. he is small, gray & soft-spoken - given to "sharp-practice" in his gaming. he has a number of fascinating curling gray hairs growing from the surface of his nose. While talking to him I am constantly tempted to reach over & yank one off! She is a large bovine woman with a sugary voice but obviously the wearer of the trousers in the household. her nose is fairly long & violently red at the end though she doesn't seem to have a cold. She talks almost constantly & at least half of her conversation last night was "Don't you think so, Mr. Carson?" or "Don't you think so, Doctor?". She corrects her husband's speeches at every turn. If I were Mr. Green I woud first gag her & then sock her on the jaw! She is always very keen to win at Mar Jong so Carson coached me