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well prior to their arrival & with my usual good luck I was the winner of the evening - beating Mrs. G. by a neat 200.
Mr. G. owed me 1000 at the end of the evening! We are to have a return play at their house on Saturday - if the mail [[underlined]] doesn't [[/underlined]] get in. 
The Stewarts were also invited up last night but couldn't come. Mrs. S. however, sent us up a really delicious layer-cake which she had cooked herself. I like Mrs. S. She is interesting - and a "fine figure of a woman" despite her 40 - odd years.  
Woof-woof, old darling!
P.S. - The "Choir Practice" passed the "Ademoci" in the passage & is now but a speck on the blue horizon. Good luck to 'em! H.

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Tumbou, Lakemba,
August 11, 1934.
Dear Ed -
Up too early this morning so I'll tighten the belt Mr Eason gave me & write to you while I wait - not that I have anything to say for yesterday was spent indoors largely. I did a little work in the morning & played a little tennis with the Turanga-ni-koro & 2 other Fijians in the afternoon. I'm the world's worst tennis player but I'll have to learn the game I think - me bride is fond of it!
In the evening there was a general meeting here at the school - boxing matches, etc. I enjoyed it.
The [[underlined]] Lai [[/underlined]] arrived just after dark last night - a full 24 hours ahead of schedule! You see my optimism of yesterday morning was [[underlined]] somewhat [[/underlined]] justified anyway! The [[underlined]] Ademoci [[/underlined]]