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as he pointed out landmarks coming into town. "There is my old copra shack .... There is my house .... Those are my old votas! ...."
He kissed his relatives & we shook hands all round. We are in his house now trying our best to keep warm as the wind whistles through some of the pane-less glass windows. Id cheerfully pay 10/0 out of my own pocket for 3 fingers of Scotch in a tumbler! I hope Suva is just [[underlined]] hotter than hell [[/underlined]]!
We are to be off early tomorrow & shall see as much as possible before sailing at 230 P.M. I wish I had a week or two to spend here. Much of the coast is beached & Willy says the interior is wide open. It would be a pipe to map it!
Good night - I'm breaking out my blankets! - Harry
Taira, Vanua Vatu, Aug. 13th
Dear Ed -
A varied day! Off early - up over volcanoes to interior basin - over flat basin -

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upon high point on rim, collecting non-orbitoid lss. in many places - coralliferous detrital ls. found contact with vol & ls. - 1 ft. rounded boulders of vol. in ls. COllected thrips, land shells & a pint of horned crayfish, etc. There are two large vol. areas on Naian - NE & SW. Interior basin a beauty - flat & reed-covered except near edges ETC.
[[margin, insertion]] [[arrow and bracket]] Took my last look at Tuvatha' when on that part of Naiain that we [[underlined]] sometime [[/underlined]] saw from Tuvatha'! [[/insertion]] 
Sailed in a heavy sea & had tough going - taing every wave broadside for the 27 miles. Anchored off the reef at dusk. Our stuff on deck got soaked as one wave flooded the stern & some of our stuff in the hold got wet - Willy's bedding & suit case very wet. I think I shall get him a new one.
Came ashore in the dingy at 830 - six of us plus flour, rice, etc. Over the reef with 2 rowing & 1 skulling. Water splashing in put out the lantern, wet the rice & flour sacks [[underlined]] and us [[/underlined]]. Managed to keep my right side dry anyway. Christ [[underlined]] what [[/underlined]] a messy