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trip! Had a sevu-sevu to the Turanga-ni-Koro & now am wrapped in a blanket having grog with a house-full of people.
Smoked my last tailor-made cigarette at noon & am now rolling my own again.
We load 60 more sacks of copra on the morning tide & sail at noon for Suva - weather permitting. Willy claims we have a good load now & that 60 more sacks will be much too much - but thats old Stewart for you! The captain told Willy that if 60 more sacks come aboad & the weather gets fresh he will throw a lot of 'em overboard!
This captain, by the way, is the ex-skipper of the old [[underlined]] Adi Repeka [[/underlined]] - the Fulanga cutter. So old Tur Taru takes me on my [[underlined]] first [[/underlined]] & [[insertion]] ^ on my [[/insertion]] [[underlined]] last [[/underlined]] trips in Lean!
(The regular skipper of the LEI is down
(see page 84)

Transcription Notes:
not sure about this phrase "[[trys?]] in [[Lean?]]" at the bottom of the page. Have checked sevu-sevu, Turanga-ni-Koro, aboad & Adi Repeka. Kept original spelling though. -@siobhanleachman