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WASHINGTON, D.C. [[/preprinted]]

September 13, 1938

[[stamped]] FISHERIES
SEP 14 1938 [[/stamped]]

Mr. E.W. Bailey, Acting Chief
Division of Scientific Inquiry
U. S. Bureau of Fisheries
Washington, D. C.

Dear Mr. Bailey:

I can't begin to thank you folks for the titration report on that sample of sea water. The high chloride value is probably to be expected, as the specimen was taken from an enclosed lagoon where the Galapagos flamingoes congregate. Because of evaporation, the water must be rather more s[[overwritten]] of [[/overwritten]]^[[al]]t than the sea water on the outer beach. 

May I trouble you further for another bit of information? Where would you go to get these chain mesh bags such as they use on oyster dredges? Hancock is interested  in acquiring [[strikethrough]] them [[/strikethrough]] ^[[some]] and I want to put him in touch with the right man. 

Again my best thanks to you.

^[[Waldo L. Schmitt]]
Waldo L. Schmitt, Curator,
Division of Marine Invertebrates.