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December 20, 1938

Ensign J.P.M. Johnston, U.S.N.
Long Beach, California

Dear J.P.M.:

I am certainly glad that you got those photographs. I had always planned to send you a few more and arrange an exchange, but, generous soul that you are, you have already attended to that. I am certainly glad to have that wonderful set of prints that you sent me.

Some time I would like to borrow your Clipperton Island negatives that you made from up in the fighting top in order to see if I can get an enlargement out of them. Yours are the only pictures that I have seen that gives some idea of the great extent of that inner lagoon.

Who was the Johnston or Johnson in the picture taken on the beach at Cocos, the one in which Buass was holding the palm leaf? I am certainly mixed in my identifications to some degree, and will need another cruise to get straightened out! Here's hoping, but I do not expect it to happen this coming year.

I was glad to get your letter and an especially grateful for that wonderful lot of prints. You have also helped me orient myself part way, at least, among the Wardroom group.

All good wishes for Christmas and the New Year.


Waldo L. Schmitt, Curator,
Division of Marine Invertebrates.