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[[preprinted]] U. S. S. BRAZOS [[/preprinted]]


Passage Pearl Harbor, T.H.
To San Pedro, California,
May 4, 1941.

Dr. Waldo L. Schmitt,
Smithsonian Institute,
Washington, D.C.

Dear Waldo:-

At present I have command of the Brazos and shortly will leave for a trip to Alaska and the Aleutian Islands. Of course while there I will do as much fishing as possible. If there is anything I can do for you or any specimens which you would like to have that I might be able to get, please let me know by return mail. On my return I could have the specimens shipped to you by express.

When Admiral Kimmel was selected to be the Commander in Chief, I could have gone along with him but would have been an assistant to an assistant which is not very much fun. When I told him that I would rather be excused, he very kindly offered me a command and so here I am enjoying my duty and very happy. 

Fishing around the Hawaiian Islands is very poor. In the first place our ships do not operate in the good fishing areas and in the second place commercial fishermen have followed the very unsound policy of killing all the small fish and as a result there are no large fish in that area because there are no small ones to feed from. 

I am now on my fourth year of sea duty and am passed due for shore duty. However, I am going to stay at sea just as long as possible, at least during this emergency, and I don't think it will end in less than five years. This war is going to complete exhaustion of one side or the other. Of course I personally think we are in the war as much as if we had declared it. 

I sincerely hope you and your family are all well and happy and that you are enjoying life and your work as much as you did in the past.

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