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[[preprinted]] U.S.S. HOUSTON [[/preprinted]]

Guantanamo Bay, Cuba. 
26 March 1939. 

Dear Schmitt,

As you know we expect to be in the Norfolk area from 21-27 April and in New York from about May 1st to 20th. I speak for all the officers on board when I write that I hope you and your family will come on board sometime during those periods to see the ship and have lunch or dinner. 

Fishing has been poor but I have put a few specimens away in the ice box. If you want them please let me know otherwise I will put them over the side - 10 Barracuda - 3 [[overwritten]] t [[/overwritten]]^[[T]]rigger fish. 

I have also collected a few small specimens which I have in alcohol - a baby octopus with about a two inch body an eight inch worm that came up on the anchor from fifteen fathoms off Orangetowm.

Hope you had a pleasant trip. 


Thomas J.Kelly,
Lieut-Comdr., USN