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October 15, 1938

Lieut. Commander T. J. Kelly, U.S.N.,
U. S. S. Houston,
San Pedro, California.

Dear Kelly:
Any old time will do for those fish. Don't let it interfere with anything you are, or need to be doing. That cold storage room of yours is a wonderful place, and those fish heads would keep in good condition in there for years.

I have been doing everything else but my own specialty for the President's material collected. The fish list which I completed, I take it, is now in your hands along with Commander Callaghan's log which you folks are to bring on board.

I asked him to mention to you that I would like to get 100 reprints of the list alone. For these, I will be glad to pay for the cost of paper and printing. I want these extra copies to distribute among interested scientists, especially the workers on fishes.

We wired about the heads that you found in the freezer because we did not want to take a chance on having those go the way of the whole fish. It was certainly good of you to remember our wants when you were cleaning house.

What do you mean by returning those Government stamps? Uncle Sam was paying for them. If he was doing the same at your end, I won't send them back unless you let me know to the contrary.

It is a funny thing about Clipperton. We must get back there one of these years. We should have brought out a few of the cocoanuts. I am told that cocoanut palms run to several varieties, and that botanists can distinguish them on the characteristics of the nut. I am getting to the point where I will be able to send some of you folks some prints of the pictures I took on the cruise. I do not know whether I mentioned this in my last letter to you or not, but the President has not yet gotten his set although it will be ready for him in a couple of days.

Thank you for your good wishes. We are all feeling tip-top and at rest. I am looking forward to a good brisk winter here in Washington. Say what you want about California climate, but I do enjoy a good cold winter with plenty of snow. My very best to you and yours.


Waldo L. Schmitt, Curator
[[Division of Marine Invertebrates.?]]

Transcription Notes:
I think I've worked out what the cut off portion is in the letter but since obviously I can't be 100% sure I've put it in [[?]] to indicate it's cut off nature (so to speak) -@siobhanleachman