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Dr. Waldo Schmitt
U. S. National Museum
Washington, D. C.

Dear Dr. Schmitt:

The apologies are all on my side. We are a funny crowd as you say; The reason is that we number about sixy and are always on the watch for stories.

I did not know when I wired you that a.) the cruise was last Summer (i. e. that the Franklinia Rooseveltia discoveries were made last summer)
and b.) that the idea had already been submitted and rejected.

Why it was rejected I do not know, but it is now to late to fit the story into LIFE's news formula.

I very much regret that I put you to all the trouble of printing pix, sorting them out and the expense of mailing.

Let me take this as an occasion, however, to assure you that LIFE is very much interested in the activities of scientists in the field and is always glad to print their good pictures - providing we can act on them fast enough. This despite the rejection out of hand of your story when you submitted it last fall. Please do keep in touch with me when you next set out on an expedition.

Your pictures are on their way under separate cover, with your return postage enclose. My thanks for your response and apologies for having put you to the fruitless effort.

Very truly yours,
June 9 Gerard Piel
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