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June 7, 1939

Mr. Gerard Piel
Life Magazine
New York City

Dear Mr. Piel:

You are a funny crowd! When I returned from the Presidentail Cruise last summer I offered you folks first choice of all my pictures, including over 100 selected Kodachromes, but you were not interested. I still have those Kodachromes. Some of them are scientifically worth while and many of them are very beautiful pictures, including an extremely interesting set of the Neptune party that was held aboard the [[underlined]] Houston, [[/underlined]] all in color.

With this I am sending you a copy each of all publications by the Smithsonian that have appeared to date on the Presidential Cruise. I can furnish you with copies of all the pictures that appear in these publications. At this time you seem to be most interested in the new species that were collected.

Folded into the publication on the palm are a series of photographs carrying the same number as the plate and figure with which they correspond.

In the front of the Explorations Pamphlet seperate is a photograph of the [[underlined]] Houston [[/underlined]] off Cocos Island.

The echinoderm report by Mr. Clark, like that on the palm, is also interleaved with photographs corresponding to the plates.

The two new species of fish are line cuts which you could photograph from the publication by Mr. Ginsburg. Should you want the original drawings, which are four times this size, I can send them on as soon as I hear from you.

There is a report on the mollusks collected on the Presidential Cruise which will appear on the 13th of the month. I send you the original photographs of the plates that will appear before the 13th. On or after that date will be all right. As these are original copy, I would like to have them returned here when you are through
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