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July 25, 1938

Dear Dr. Schmitt:

Your radiogram was on my desk when I arrived this morning.
With the help of Mr. Clark, I rummaged in the case back of me and found three mimeographed copies of "Conference on Oceanography--Convened by the Honorable the Secretary of the Navy to consider all matters pertaining to a proposed U. S. Naval Expedition for research in Oceanography, 1924." It consists chiefly of a report of the discussion of the conference members (you, Clark, and Bartsch representing the Smithsonian).
There is no set speech by you, only your part in the discussion. I'm not sure this is what you want.

Mrs. Clark is trying to find out from the Navy Department or L.C. if there was such a conference again in 1925 and if you gave a talk then. Mr. Clark seems to think this 1924 report is what you mean. If Mrs. Clark is unable to locate anything for 1925, I shall send a copy of the 1924 report. Mr. Clark said probably better send you the entire report instead of typing out your part of the discussion. Separated from its context, it might not be much good.

We have enjoyed the news items which we see almost every day referring to your "valuable" collections. In an item in the News the other day you were referred to as "Professor Otto Schmitt." Most of the news items call you "Professor." Who's giving out the publicity? I'm saving everything I see, and other people are good about saving clippings from the papers I don't read.

It rained all last week and was somewhat cooler as a consequence, although sticky and muggy.

I am enclosing an excerpt from a letter from Mrs. Robson. When your name began to be mentioned in the papers so much I finally wrote her and told her the name of the ship. Thought I might as well make the gesture; she'd probably see it for herself anyway. I think she's mad at me again, but that may not protect us from another visit. My friend, in whose house she had the room, said she asked about the availability of the room in September when she comes back!

Are you getting anything to eat but fish? From the newspaper stories it would seem not.

Nothing of special interest seems to have happened.

Remember me to the Zeteks if you see them.

[[written]] Lucile Mc Coin [[/written]]

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