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1922. cont.

[[underlined]] Odynerus 3-fasciatus [[/underlined]] Glencree, Co. Wicklow, 22/9/22.
[[underlined]] O. 3-marginatus [[/underlined]] [[male symbol]] Murrough (near Broad L.) Co. Wicklow. 28/5/22.
[[2 male symbols]] Carnsore Point, Co. Wexford. 25/6/22.
[[male symbol]] St. Helens (N.of last loc.) " [[Ditto for: Co. Wexford]] 27/6/22.
[[left margin note applying to previous two specimens]]
both [[checkmark]] P.C.L.P. 
[[/left margin note]]
[[underlined]] Vespa germanica [[/underlined]]. Cos. Dublin, Wicklow & Down.
" [[Ditto for: Vespa]] [[underlined]] vulgaris [[/underlined]] Cos. Dublin & Down.
" [[Ditto for: Vespa]] [[underlined]] rufa [[/underlined]] Cos. Dublin & Down. 
" [[Ditto for: Vespa]] [[underlined]] sylvestris [[/underlined]] Cos. Dublin & Down.
" [[Ditto for: Vespa]] [[underlined]] nowegica [[/underlined]] Cos. Dublin & Down.
[[checkmark]] [[2 male symbols]] at Bohernabreena, Co. Dublin. 12/8/22.
[[underlined]] Colletes montanus [[/underlined]] [[2 male symbols]] & [[2 female symbols]] Carnsore Point, Co. Wexford. 25/6/22
[[checkmark]] R.C.L.P. [[2 male symbols]] on Sandhills, Rosslare, Co. Wexford. 26/6/22.
[[underlined]] Prosopis confusa [[/underlined]] [[female symbol]] N. shore of L. Neagh near Staffordstown Co. Antrim. 3/8/22. [[checkmark]] R.C.L.P.
[[female symbol]] Glencree, Co. Wicklow. 18/9/22
[[underlined]] Specodes divisus [[/underlined]] (= [[underlined]] similis [[/underlined]] [[female symbol]] near Punchestown Ho., Co. [[strikethrough]] Wicklow [[/strikethrough]] Kildare. 11/6/22. [[checkmark]] R.C.L.P.
" [[Ditto for: Specodes]] [[underlined]] subquadratus [[/underlined]] [[female symbol]] Rocky Valley, Co. Wicklow 30/5/22. [[checkmark]] R.C.L.P. 
" [[Ditto for: Specodes]] [[underlined]] affinis [[/underlined]] [[female symbol]] Murrough, Co. Wicklow 28/5/22. [[checkmark]] R.C.L.P. 
[[2 female symbols]] Rocky Valley, " [[Ditto for: Co. Wicklow]] 30/5/22. " [[Ditto for: [[checkmark]] R.C.L.P.]]
[[checkmark]] [[female symbol]] Glenasmole, Co. Dublin 6/6/22. " [[Ditto for: [[checkmark]] R.C.L.P.]]

[[end page]]
[[start page]]


[[underlined]] Halictus rubicundus [[/underlined]]. [[female symbol]] Carnsore Pt. Co Wexford. 25/6/22.
[[2 male symbols]] & [[2 female symbols]] Kilcoole, Co. Wicklow. 9/9/22.
[[2 male symbols]] & [[2 female symbols]] Powerscourt, " [[Ditto for: Co. Wicklow.]] 20/9/22.
[[2 male symbols]] & [[2 female symbols]] Glencree, " [[Ditto for: Co. Wicklow.]] 18 & 23/9/22.
Also frequent in Co. Dublin!
[[underlined]] H. calceatus [[/underlined]] [[female symbol]] near Punchestown Ho. Co. Kildare. 11/6/22. R.C.L.P.
Glenasmole, [[insertion]] Upper [[/underlined]] Co. Dublin. 2/9/22. 21/9/22 " [[Ditto for: R.C.L.P.]]
[[2 male symbols]] & [[2 female symbols]] Powerscourt, Co. Wicklow 20/9/22 " [[Ditto for: R.C.L.P.]]
[[2 male symbols]] Glencree, " [[Ditto for: Co. Wicklow]] 18/9/22 " [[Ditto for: R.C.L.P.]]
[[underlined]] H. albipes [[/underlind]] [[female symbol]] [[checkmark]] Coast at Shankill, Co. Dublin. 29/6/22 " [[Ditto for: R.C.L.P.]]
Kilcoole, Co. Wicklow. 9/9/22 " [[Ditto for: R.C.L.P.]]
Greystones, " [[Ditto for" Co. Wicklow]] 27/8/22 " [[Ditto for: R.C.L.P.]]
Glencree, " [[Ditto for" Co. Wicklow]] [[strikethrough]] 18 [[/strikethrough]] 23/8/22 " [[Ditto for: R.C.L.P.]]
[[checkmark]] Bohernabreena, Co. Dublin. 14/9/22 " [[Ditto for: R.C.L.P.]]
[[underlined]] H. freygessneri [[/underlined]] [[checkmark]] [[female symbol]] Glenasmole, Co. Dublin 14/9/22 " [[Ditto for: R.C.L.P.]]
[[checkmark]] [[female symbol]] quarry above " " [[Dittos for: Glenasmole, Co. Dublin]] 23/7/22 " [[Ditto for: R.C.L.P.]]
[[checkmark]] [[female symbol]] Bohernabreena " [[Ditto for: Co. Dublin]] 8/5/22. " [[Ditto for: R.C.L.P.]]
[[2 male symbols]] " " [[Dittos for: Bohernabreena, Co. Dublin]] 19/8/22, 26/8/22, 14/9/22  " [[Ditto for: R.C.L.P.]] 
[[male symbol]] & [[female symbol]] Hempstown Commons, Co. Kildare. 22/9/22 " [[Ditto for: R.C.L.P.]]
[[2 male symbols]] & [[2 female symbols]] Powerscourt, Co. Wicklow. 20/9/22 " [[Ditto for: R.C.L.P.]]
[[underlined]] H. villosulus [[/underlined]] [[2 female symbols]] Carnsore Pt, Co. Wexford. 25/6/22.
[[male symbol]] Greystones, Co. Wicklow. 27/8/22.

Transcription Notes:
Checked place names and species names via and google. Anything I'm unsure of is in [[?]] -@siobhanleachman Did a check on locations, corrected spelling for Kilcook(place name is Kilcoole), and Greystones instead of Greystone. -SamigirlB