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[[underlined]] Andrena minutula [[/underlined]] 2 = brood. [[female symbol]] Powerscourt, overflow-channel, Co. Wicklow. 20/9/22. (on Ragwort). R.C.L.P.
[[underlined]] A. Wilkella [[/underlined]]. [[female symbol]] Murrough, Co. Wicklow. 28/5/22 " [[Ditto for: R.C.L.P.]]
[[checkmark]] Coast at Skankill, Co. Dublin. 29/5/22 " [[Ditto for: R.C.L.P.]]
[[2 male symbols]] & [[2 female symbols]] Rocky Valley, Co. Wicklow 30/5/22 " [[Ditto for: R.C.L.P.]]
[[checkmark]] Bohernabreena, Co. Dublin. 6/6/22. " [[Ditto for: R.C.L.P.]]
[[underlined]] Nomada obtusifrons [[/underlined]]. [[male symbol]] & [[female symbol]] Sitting on same flower of OK-eye Daisy, on dull day, after sun, near quarry west side of [[checkmark]] Glenasmole, Co. Dublin. 23/7/22.  R.C.L.P.
[[underlined]] N. rufipes [[/underlined]] [[2 female symbols]] Glencree, Co. Wicklow. 18 & 23/9/22 " [[Ditto for: R.C.L.P.]]
[[underlined]] N. marshamella [[/underlined]] 1st Brood. Common in Co. Dublin and Wicklow from 8/5/22 till 20/5/22 & probably after.
" [[Ditto for: N. marshamella]] 2nd brood. [[female symbol]] Powerscourt, Co. Wicklow (on Ragwort), 20/9/22 R.C.L.P.
[[underlined]] N. bifida [[/underlined]] [[male symbol]] Bohernabreena, Co. Dublin 8/5/22 " [[Ditto for: R.C.L.P.]]
(cont. below) [[image: arrow pointing down]] [[2 female symbols]] " " [[Dittos for: Bohernabreena, Co. Dublin]] 13/5/22 " [[Ditto for: R.C.L.P.]]
[[underlined]] N. goodeniana [[/underlined]] [[checkmark]] [[2 male symbols]] & [[2 female symbols]] Common in Glenasmole, Co. Dublin [[checkmark]] in May & June 1922.
[[underlined]] N. hillana [[/underlined]]. [[checkmark]] Glenasmole, Co. Dublin 6/6/22. R.C.L.P.
[[2 male symbols]] & [[2 female symbols]] " [[Ditto for: Glenasmole]] Upper, " [[Ditto for: Co. Dublin]] 7/6/22 " [[Ditto for: R.C.L.P.]]
[[checkmark]] [[female symbol]] Court at Shankill, " [[Ditto for: Co. Dublin]] 29/5/22 " [[Ditto for: R.C.L.P.]]
[[underlined]] N. ruficornis [[/underlined]] [[female symbol]] Rocky Valley, Co. Wicklow 30/5/22. Punchestown House, Co. Kildare. 11/6/22 " [[Ditto for: R.C.L.P.]]

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[[underlined]] Nomeda bifida [[/underlined]] (cont.) [[checkmark]] Glenasmole, Co. Dublin. 20/5/22. R.C.L.P.
[[checkmark]] [[2 male symbols]] & [[2 female symbols]] Glenasmole Upper, " [[Ditto for: Co. Dublin]] 6/6/22 " [[Ditto for: R.C.L.P.]]
[[female symbol]] Rocky Valley, Co. Dublin 30/5/22. " [[Ditto for: R.C.L.P.]]
[[underlined]] N. fahiciana [[/underlined]] [[checkmark]] [[female symbol]] Glenasmole, E. side of Upper reservoir Co. Dublin. 20/5/22
[[underlined]] N. flavoguttata [[/underlined]] [[2 male symbols]] & [[2 female symbols]] Glenasmole upper, Co. Dublin " [[Ditto for: R.C.L.P.]] 20/5/22 & 7/6/22
[[underlined]] Megachile willughbiella [[/underlined]] [[male symbol]] Mayfield, Rathgar [[checkmark]] Co. Dublin 9/7/22. [[checkmark]] also [[female symbol]] on 14/7/22. " [[Ditto for: R.C.L.P.]]
[ " " [[Dittos for: Megachile willughbiella]] large var. Gardiner Hill, Co. Cork. R.A.P. Aug. 22 " [[Ditto for: R.C.L.P.]] ]
[[underlined]] Ormia aurulenta [[/underlined]] Murrough ([[2 male symbols]] & [[2 female symbols]] abundant), S. of Newcastle, Co. Wicklow. [[strikethrough]] 30 [[/strikethrough]] 28/5/22 " [[Ditto for: R.C.L.P.]]
[[underlined]] Psithyrus distinctus [[/underlined]] [[checkmark]] [[2 female symbols]] Bohernabreena, Co. Dublin. 13/5/22 " [[Ditto for: R.C.L.P.]]
[[male symbol]] Shore of L. Neagh at Kinnego, Co. Armagh. 1/8/22 " [[Ditto for: R.C.L.P.]]
[[male symbol]] N. " " [[Dittos of: Shore of L. Neagh]] near Staffordstown, Co. Antrim 3/8/22. " [[Ditto for: R.C.L.P.]]
[[2 male symbols]] abundant in Donaghadee district, Co. Down 1st to 8th Aug. 1922. " [[Ditto for: R.C.L.P.]]
[[underlined]] P. rupestris [[/underlined]] [[checkmark]] [[female symbol]] Glenasmole, Co. Dublin 7/6/22 A.W.S !
[[female symbol]] Rosslare, Co. Wexford 26/6/22 " [[Ditto for: A.W.S. !]]
[[female symbol]] Kinnegoe, Co. Armagh 1/8/22. " [[Ditto for: A.W.S. !]]
[[underlined]] P. quadricolor [[/underlined]] [[2 female symbols]] Killakee, at 1250 ft. alt. Co. Dublin 5/6/22. R.C.L.P.
[[underlined]] P. bacbutellus [[/underlined]] [[male symbol]] Lisnamae, Rathgar, Co. Dublin. 23/7/22 A.W.S. !
[[female symbol]] Mayfield, " " [[Dittos for: Rathgar, Co. Dublin.]] 20/7/22. " [[Ditto for: A.W.S.]]
[[underlined]] P. campestris [[/underlined]] [[female symbol]] Scrabo, Co. Dublin. 7/8/22. " [[Ditto for: A.W.S.]]
[[male symbol]] North Bull, Co. Dublin 11/9/22 " [[Ditto for: A.W.S.]]
[[female symbol]] Slieve Thoule, 1000 ft. alt. Co. Dublin. 14/10/22 " [[Ditto for: A.W.S.]]