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[[underlined]] Myrmica ruginodis [[/underlined]] nest with many lavae.
[[underlined]] Formica fusca [[/underlined]] nest containing pale green aphids
Vespa sylvestris remains under cairn on Summit of Seecawn!

[[side note applying to above]]
Brittas River valley below Ballinascorney House, Co. Dublin.
[With E. O'Mahony] 27/1/24
[[/side note]]

[[line across page]]

[[underlined]] Salix [[/underlined]] first seen in bloom near Killincarrig, Greystone on 9/3/24 but as it was afternoon & a strong cold wind was blowing no bees were to be expected.

[[line across page]]

Lasius niger.
" [[Ditto for: Lasius]] flavus
" [[Ditto for: Lasius]] ? mextus
Myrmica ruginodis
Bombus lucorum [[2 female symbols]]
" [[Ditto for: Bombus]] terrestris 1 [[female symbol]] sunning itslef.

[[side note applying to above]] 
Sand pits &c. near the Birr railway 2 1/4 miles W. of Roserea, n. Tippy. (close to co. boundary!)
A.W.S. & R.A.P. 15/3/24.
Ants in sand pits & on banks. [[underlined]] Bombus lucorum at [[male symbol]] willow : the only one in flower.
[[/side note]]

[[line across page]]

Halictus sp. dead dug out of burrow (probably [[underlined]] rubicundus [/underlined]] or [underlined]] calceatus [/underlined]]).
Andrena sericea [[male symbol]] dug out of burrow alive 
[[underlined]] Myrmica scabrinodis [[/underlined]] [[virgin female symbol]]

[[side note applying to above]]
Sand pit by avenue to Mr. Pine's house at Fancraft (near Roserea) King's Co. 16/3/24.
[[/side note]]

[[line across page]]

Cocoons of fassor dug out of sand pit by Birr Road at Drumabeenan, Kings Co. A.W.S. 17/3/24

[[end page]]
[[start page]]


Lasius ? mixtus
" [[Ditto for: Lasius]] [[checkmark]]
Myrmica ruginodis [[checkmark]]

[[side note applying to above]]
nests more or less combined under stones [[strikethrough]] at fork [[/strikethrough]] in of field where tufa is near Gloster,  (N. of Roserea) by Birr road, Kings Co. 17/3/24. Under these stones I also took [[underlined]] Coecilioides acicula, Trichoniscus pygmaeus [[/underlined]] & [[strikethrough]] Haphul [[/strikethrough]] [[underlined]] Haplophthalmus mengei [[/underlined]], as well as an aphid.
[[/side note]]

[[line across page]]

Bombus lucorum [[2 female symbols]] at same willow as on 15th inst. near Birr railway. [[checkmark]] 17/3/24. Nothing else seen.  Not other willows out at Roserea, though plenty seen from train near Portarlington &c.

[[line across page]]

Bombus lucorum [[2 female symbols]] 
" [[Ditto for: Bombus]] [[underlined]] jonellus [[/underlined]] [[female symbol]] [[checkmark]]

[[side note applying to above]]
On [[male symbol]] willows by Killincarry mill, near Greystown. W.I. [[strikethrough]] 23 [[/strikethrough]] 22/3/24.
[[/side note]]

Late afternoon, [[insertion]] ^ dull [[/insertion]] after fine morning : mild. Willows now well out all way between Greystone & Enniskerry.

[[line across page]]

Sunday 23/3/24. Misty rain all day!

[[line across page]]

Bombus lucorum [[2 female symbols]]
" [[Ditto for: Bombus]] jonellus [[female symbol]]
All at willows numerous cocoons of a fossor dug out of sandy layers above boulder clay. 

[[side note applying to above]]
Boulder - clay slip (opposite Brady's) at head of lower reservoir, Glenasmole, Du. 29/3/24. Aft.
Very cold (snow showers in morning) hot sunny intervals in aft. No Andrena seen at Willows.
[[/side note]]

Transcription Notes:
E.O'Mahony = Eugene O'Mahony. Misspelt in Wikipedia as "Eugene O'Mahoney"