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[[underlined]] Collected by J. N. Halbert in 1925. [[/underlined]]

Pemphredon lugubris
" [[Ditto for: Pemphredon]] shuckardi.
Halictus albipes [[2 male symbols]]
" [[Ditto for: Halictus]] calceatus [[2 male symbols]]
" [[Ditto for: Halictus]] [[latesintsis?]] 1 [[male symbol]] 
[[underlined]] Bombus hortorum 2/8/25[[/underlined]] 1 [[female symbol]]

[[side note applying to above]]
Wenford district
28th July till 2nd August
[[/side note]]

Selandria serva [[checkmark]] RCL.P.
[[underlined]] S. [[flaveus?]] [[/underlined]] 2 [[2 female symbol]] [[checkmark]] RCLP.
[[underlined]] Taxonus glabatus [[/underlined]] [[checkmark]] RCLP.
Athalia lugens [[checkmark]] RCLP.
[[underlined]] Pachynematus clitellatus [[/underlined]]  [[checkmark] RCLP. (also a [[male symbol]] = ? var of [[underlined]] xanthocarpus [[/underlined]] [[checkmark]] RCLP)
" [[Ditto for: Pachynematus]] [[underlined]] diaphinus [[/underlined]] [[checkmark]] " [[Ditto for: RCLP.]] [[underlined]] Abia sericea [[/underlined]] [[checkmark]] RCLP.
" [[Ditto for: Pachynematus]] vagus [[checkmark]] " [[Ditto for: RCLP]] [[underlined]]  Emphytus carpini [[/underlined]] [[checkmark]] RCLP
[[underlined]] Ichneumonidae [[/underlined]] &c.

[[end page]]
[[start page]]


[[underlined]] J. N. H. cont. [[/underlined]]

Vespa rufa 2 [[2 male symbols]] 4/9/25
[[underlined]] Halictus calceatus [[/underlined]] [[2 male symbols]].
" [[Ditto for: Halictus]] [[underlined]] albipes [[/underlined]] [[2 male symbol]].
" [[Ditto for: Halictus]] [[underlined]] freygessneri [[/underlined]] 2 [[2 male symbols]]
[[underlined]] Andrena coitana [[/underlined]] 1 worn [[female symbol]]
[[underlined]] Bombus lucorum [[/underlined]] 2 [[2 male symbols]] one dark, one very yellow.
" [[Ditto for: Bombus]] [[underlined]] distinguendus [[/underlined]] 1 [[male symbol]]
Psithyrus barbutellus [[/underlined]] 1 [[female symbol]].
[[underlined]] Tenthredinidae [[/underlined]]
[[underlined]] Selandria serva [[/underlined]] [[checkmark]] R.C.L.P. [[checkmark]]
Taxonus glabratus [[checkmark]] " " [[Dittos for: R.C.L.P.]]
Pristiphora pallidiventris " [[Ditto for: R.C.L.P.]]
Lagneonematus laricis " [[Ditto for: R.C.L.P.]] Torc Mt.
Scolioneura betuleti " [[Ditto for: R.C.L.P.]]
Abia sericea " [[Ditto for: R.C.L.P.]]
Tenthedella peraginea " [[Ditto for: R.C.L.P.]]
Croesus varus. " [[Ditto for: R.C.L.P.]]
[[underlined]] Ichneumonidae [[/underlined]] &c.

[[side note applying to above]]
Killarney district. 
22nd August till 6th Sept.
NB 22nd, 24th, August.
1st Sept. 2nd & 6th also. = Kenmare Denesne!
23rd & 25th August = Torc Mountain.
25th Aug. & 4th Sept. = Muckross Demesne.
26th & 30th Aug. = Ross Castle, Kenmore Demesne
29th Aug. Gap of Dunloe.
3rd Aug. Loosecaunagh L. (on road to Kenmore, above upper lake!)
[[/side note]]