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Deerpark, Powerscourt cont. 16/5/26.
[[underlined]] Ichneumonidae [[/underlined]] &c.
Ichneumon 2 large spp. near [[underlined]] suspicornis [[/underlined]]

[[underlined]] Pimpla turionellae [[/underlined]] 2 [[2 male symbol]].
about 10 or 12 other spp.

Two Braconids, [[insertion]] [[underlined]] Rhogas carbonorius [[/underlined]] ? 1 [[male symbol]] labelled "P'court, 15.6.26" many have been taken on this date [[insertion]] i.e. 16.5.26 [[/insertion]] or 20.6.26. [[/insertion]], 1 chalied on Hawthorn.

[[line across page]]

17/5/26. Shankill, Co. Du. A.W.S. ( with A. A. Lisney).
[[underlined]] Pristiphora pallidiventris [[/underlined]] v. [[underlined]] denudata [[/underlined]] 1 [[female symbol]] [[checkmark]] RCLP. in hedge near church cross roads.
[[underlined]] Holocneme lucida [[/underlined]] 1 [[male symbol]] [[checkmark]] RCLP. in hedge near church cross roads.

[[line across page]]

20/5/26. A dull day. Deerbank at Powerscourt. WI. (Picking up deer lines with Duffy!)
One [[female symbol]] Crypted ichneumon on tree near waterfall!

[[line across page]]

25/5/26. [[female symbol]] [[underlined]] Protrarcher rupes [[/underlined]] hatched from cocoon of [[underlined]] Trichionoma [[/underlined]] in park of Birch trips from Fenagth House, Bayenalstown, Co. CW. given only D.R. Park Beresford.

[[line across page]]

16/5/26. + 17/5/26. St Anne's, Clontarf, Co. Du. E. OMahony.
[[underlined]] Dolerus nigratus [[/underlined]] 1 [[male symbol]] [[checkmark]] RCLP & 3 [[2 male symbols]] & 3 [[2 female symbols]] [[checkmark]] RCLP. [[underlined]] D. picipes [[/underlined]] 2 [[2 male symbols]] 1 [[female symbols]] [[checkmark]] RCLP.

18/5/26. Sutton, Co. DU. E. OM.
[[underlined]] Dolerus nigratus [[/underlined]] 1 [[male symbol]] [[checkmark]] RCLP.
15/5/26. Kilbarrack, Co. Du. E.OM. 
[[underlined]] Dolerus picipes [[/underlined]] 1 [[male symbol]] [[checkmark]] RCLP

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23/5/26. Lane & fields, S. of Asylum, Cortrane, DU.
A dull warm day with east wind, but no real sun till 4 pm.
[[underlined]] Andrena jacobi [[/underlined]] [[2 male symbols]] & [[2 female symbols]]. [[underlined]] A. albicans [[/underlined]] [[2 female symbols]]
" [[Ditto for: Andrena]] [[underlined]] fucata [[/underlined]] [[2 male symbols]]
" [[Ditto for: Andrena]] [[underlined]] wilkella [[/underlined]] [[2 male symbols]] at railway bridge [[checkmark]]
[[underlined]] Salius fuscus [[/udnerlined]] [[female symbol]] at railway.

[[underlined]] Tenthredinidae. [[/underlined]]
[[underlined]] Pachynematus xanthocarpus [[/underlined]] or [[underlined]] apicalis [[/underlined]] 1 [[female symbol]] [[checkmark]] RCLP ("seems to me intermediate in supposed difference in length of antennae" RCLP.)
Schizocera geminata [[2 male symbols]] & [[2 female symbols]], [[checkmark]] RCLP. at Rosa spinorissima in lane.
Hoplocampa pectoralis 3 [[2 male symbols]] 3 [[2 female symbols]] [[checkmark]] R.C.L.P. [[underlined]] H. crataegi [[/underlined]] 1 [[male symbol]] 1 [[female symbol]] [[checkmark]] R.C.L.P. All on flowers of Hawthorn.
[[underlined]] Dolerus picipes [[/underlined]] 1 [[female symbol]] [[checkmark]] RCLP., in lane.
" [[Ditto for: Dolerus]] niger [[2 male symbols]] [[checkmark]] R.C.L.P. at Ash tree in field.
[[underlined]] Tenthredella atra [[/underlined]] 1 [[male symbol]] [[checkmark]] RCLP. at Sycamore tree in field hedge.
[[underlined]] Emphytus cinctus [[/underlined]] [[male symbols]] seen in lane [[underlined]] Rosa spinosissima [[/underlined]].
[[underlined]] Ametastigia equiseti [[/underlined]] 1 (? [[male symbol]]) [[checkmark]] RCLP.
Ichneumonidae [[underlined]] Pimpla pomorum [[/underlined]] [[female symbol]] on Hawthorn.
[[underlined]] P. turionellae [[/underlined]] [[male symbol]] (& v. [[underlined]] flavimaculata [[/underlined]] [[male symbol]] or ? [[underlined]] graminellae [[/underlined]]) most other sp. taken round [[underlined]] Rosa [[/underlined]] in lane!