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[[circled]] 1 [[/circled]] Ballyhenry Quarry; [[circled]] 2 [[/circled]] = Murrough at Killoughter; [[circled]] 3 [[/circled]] = quarry & over-flow channel N. of Killoughter Ho.
A warm sunny day, with cold winds along coast. 
[[underlined]] Bombus lapidarius [[/underlined]] [[2 male symbols]] &[[2 female symbols]] common on coast
" [[Ditto for: Bombus]] muscorum.
[[underlined]] Andrena coitana [[/underlined]] 1 [[male symbol]] at 1. 
" [[Ditto for: Andrena]] [[underlined]] denticulata [[/underlined]], 1 fresh [[female symbol]] ([[2 male symbols]] seen?) at 3. 
[[underlined]] Halictus albipes [[/underlined]] 1 [[female symbol]] at 3.
[[underlined]] Megachile versicolor [[/underlined]], 1 [[female symbol]] on Knapered ([[underlined]] C. nigra [[/underlined]]) at 3. 
[[underlined]] Ammophila lutaria [[/underlined]] [[2 female symbols]] at 2.
[[underlined]] Pompilus gibbus [[/underlined]] [[male symbol]] & [[female symbol]] at 2.
" [[Ditto for: Pompilus]] [[underlined]] plumbeus [[2 male symbols]] & [[2 female symbols]] at 2.
[[underlined]] Gonatopus [[/underlined]] [[female symbol]] running on shingle beach just at edge of bent zone.
[[underlined]] Salius exaltatus [[/underlined]] [[female symbol]] at 1. [underlined]] Allantus (Emphytus) cinctus [[/underlined]] 1 [[female symbol]] [[checkmark]] RCLP at 2.
Ichneumonidae &c

Also the diptera [[underlined]] Anthrax [[pumrius?]] [[/underlined]] & [[underlined]] Stratiomys furcata [[/underlined]] at 2. & lepidopteror [[underlined]] Epinephale [[lithornes?]] [[/underlined]] at 3.

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8/8/26. A very hot day, with much sun. 
Skerries, Co. Du. Garden at Shenick Lodge = 1. 
Cliffs at N. end of bay = 2. Sand pit at ry. station = 3.
[[underlined]] Bombus lapidarius [[/underlined]], workers common.
[[underlined]] Halictus rubicundus [[/underlined]] at 2 & 3. [[2 male symbol]] & [[2 female symbol]].
" [[Ditto for: Halictus]] [[underlined]] calceatus [[/underlined]] at 3 [[male symbol]].
" [[Ditto for: Halictus]] [[underlined]] smeathmanellus [[/underlined]] 1 fresh [[female symbol]], at 1.
" [[Ditto for: Halictus]] [[underlined]] leucopus [[/underlined]] [[male symbol]] & [[female symbol]] fresh, at 1
[[side note applying to above two species]] on Erigeron [[/side note]]
[[underlined]] Pompilus gibbus [[/underlined]] 1 [[male symbol]] at 2.
[[underlined]] Crabro cavifrons [[/underlined]] 1 [[male symbol]] at 1.
" [[Ditto for: Crabro]] [[underlined]] varius [[/underlined]] 1 [[female symbol]] at 3.
[[underlined]] Mellinus arvensis [[/underlined]] [[2 male symbols]] & [[2 female symbols]] at 3.
[[underlined]] Oxybelus uniglumis [[/underlined]] 2 [[female symbol]] at 3. layed fresh.
[[underlined]] Allantus arcuatus [[/underlined]] [[2 female symbols]] common.
Ichneumonidae &c.
[[underlined]] Peromathus [[/underlined]] small blush [[male symbol]] at 3. [[male symbol]] at 1 black [[?]]
[[female symbol]] at 3 & [[female symbol]] at 1 ? both [[underlined]] instabilis [[/underlined]]
[[underlined]] Chelonus inanitus [[/underlined]] at 3 on Wild carrot.
Glypta ceratitis; small [[female symbol]]. [[underlined]] G. bifoveolata [[/underlined]] [[male symbol]] & [[female symbol]] [[checkmark]] A. Roman.
All on wild carrot on thistle at 3 or sandpit near old windmill.