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29th May 1927.
A glorious day with not sun & east wind; cloudy in Deerpark for a couple of hours in afternoon.
Demesne [[circled]] 1 [[/circled]] & Deerpark [[circled]] 2 [[/circled]] at Powerscourt, WI.
[[underlined]] Bombus lucorum & agrorum [[/underlined]] a few [[2 female symbols]] seen. ? [[virgin female symbol]] also.
Andrena jacobi [[2 male symbols]] & [[2 female symbols]] a few at 2. 
" [[Ditto for: Andrena]] lapponica [[2 male symbol]] & [[2 female symbols]] at "meeting of waters" at 2.
" [[Ditto for: Andrena]] fucata [[/underlined]] [[2 male symbols]] at 2
[[underlined]] Nomada ruficornis [[/underlined]] [[2 female symbols]] at burrows of [[underlined]] A. lapponica [[/underlined]]
" [[Ditto for: Nomada]] [[underlined]] bifida [[/underlined]] [[male symbol]] & [[female symbol]] at 2.
" [[Ditto for: Nomada]] flavoguttata at 2 [[2 male symbols]] & [[2 female symbols]]
[[underlined]] Sphecodes afficius, divisus [[/underlined]] & monilicornis (1) at 2.
Vespa rufa, norvegica [[2 female symbol]] at 2.
[[underlined]] Crabro leucosterna & vagus [[/underlined]] at 2.
Sawflies at 1.
[[underlined]] Dolerus nigratus [[/underlined]] 1 [[male symbol]] }
[[underlined]] D. picipes [[/underlined]] 2 [[2 female symbols]].
[[underlined]] Loderus vestigialis [[/underlined]]
Sawflies at 2.
[[underlined]] Platycampus luridiventris [[/underlined]] 1 [[female symbols]] [[checkmark]] RCLP
[[underlined]] Dolerus bimaculatus [[/underlined]] [[2 male symbol]] & [[2 female symbol]], [[underlined]] dubius [[/underlined]] 1 [[female symbol]], [[underlined]] gersneri [[/underlined]] [[2 male symbol]] & [[2 female symbol]].
[[underlined]] D. nigratus [[/underlined]] 1 [[male symbol]] [[underlined]] aeneus [[/underlined]] [[male symbol]] & [[female symbol]]. All [[checkmark]] RCLP.
[[underlined]] Arge ustalata [[/underlined]] [[male symbol]] on "chestnut bank" marsh near gate. [[checkmark]] RCLP.
[[underlined]] Selandria serva [[/underlined]] 2 [[2 male symbol]] [[checkmark]] RCLP. [[underlined]] Emphytus [[tevier?]] [[/underlined]] 1 [[female symbol]] [[checkmark]] RCLP.
Tenthredo arcuata [[Tom. latersitris?]]
[[underlined]] Pteronidae myosotadis [[/underlined]] 1 [[female symbol]] [[checkmark]] RCLP.

[[end page]]
[[start page]]


29.5.27 cont.
Ichneumon at 1.
[[underlined]] Pimpla brevicornis [[/underlined]] 1 [[female symbol]], small.

Taken at Kilbarrack, DU. on 29.5.27. by E. O'Mahony
[[underlined]] Dolerus nigratus [[/underlined]] 1 [[male symbol]]
[[underlined]] Selandria serva [[/underlined]]. 1 [[female symbol]] 
[[underlined]] Cladius pectinicornis [[/undelined]] v. ? [[underlined]] difformis [[/underlined]] 1 [[female symbol]] All [[checkmark]] R.C.L.P.
[[underlined]] Dolerus niger [[/underlined]] 1 [[female symbol]].
[[line across page]]

Ichneumon at 2.
Ischnoceros rusticus [[2 male symbols]] & [[2 female symbol]] (sent to W.F.J.) & these ? subsequently seconded by W.F.J as taken at [[Rostrevis?]]! AWS.

[[underlined]] Disogmus areolator [[/underlined]] Hal.? [[male symbol]].

[[line across page]]

Powerscourt, WI. 3.6.27. (with E. OMahony)
[[underlined]] Dolerus gessneri [[/underlined]] 2 [[2 male symbol]]
[[underlined]] D. bimaculatus [[/underlined]] 1 [[male symbol]]
[[underlined]] D. aeneus [[/underlined]] 1 [[male symbol]]
[[underlined]] Taxonus agrorum [[/underlined]] 1 [[male symbol]].
[[underlined]] Pachyprotasis rapae [[/underlined]] 2 [[2 male symbols]]
[[underlined]] Selandria stramineipes [[/underlined]] 2 [[2 female symbols]]
[[underlined]] Hoplocampa crataegi [[/underlined]] 1 [[male symbol]]
[[/bracket]] All [[underlined]] fide RCLP [[/underlined]] !
[[underlined]] Lathroplex infernalis ? [[female symbol]] [[female symbol]] Cf. specimens in Hal. coll. named by Mosley!
[[underlined]] [[Leptocryptus clasiges?]] [[/underlined]] 1 [[male symbol]]

[[line across page]]

30/5/27. Rushy marsh by summit of Military Road, overlooking Glenasmole, Co. Du. 7.30 PM
Dolerus aeneus [[checkmark]] RCLP. [[male symbol]] & [[female symbol]]  
[[underlined]] Vespa novegica [[/underlined]] [[female symbol]] & nest on heather at ca. 1300 ft. on L. [[Bragnerains?]] 30.5.27.