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Glyptae seen by A. Roman cont.

No. 13. [[underlined]] Glypta mensurator [[/underlined]] [[female symbol]] var. with long terebra! Roman says "is [[underlined]] nigrotrochanterata [[/underlined]], only the yellow stigma differs. 
Ennereilly, N. of Arklow, WI. AWS. 28.8.25! Later Roman says [[underlined]] Not n-trochanterata [[/underlined]]
No. 14. [[underlined]] Glypta mensurator [[/underlined]] [[female symbol]] var. with long terebra! Roman says "same as last" i.e. No. 13.
Strangford, DO. Sept 1924. Canon A. Foster.
No. 15. [[underlined]] Glypta vulnerator [[/underlined]] Grav. [[female symbol]]. Roman agrees & adds that it "seems to differ from [[underlined]] mensurator [[/underlined]] only by the densely pubescent clypeus : the more or less distinct costulae are of little importance."
[[strikethrough]] No [[/strikethrough]] Ireland's Eye, Du. 30.7.26!
No. 16. } 
No. 17. } Glypta sp.? Roman says "Probably [[underlined]] similis [[/underlined]] Bridg". but 4th & 5th hind tarsi are [[underlined]] not [[/underlined]] equal!
Rathdrum, WI., [[male symbol]] on 14.6.26, [[female symbol]] on 7.7.26!
Nos. 18 & 19 } [[underlined]] Glypta bifoveolata [[/underlined]] Grav. [[male symbol]] & [[female symbol]]. Roman agrees & adds "var. with black coxae.
Sandpit at Skerries station, DU. A.W.S. 8.8.26!
No.20. [[underlined]] Glypta filicornis [[/underlined]] Thoms. [[male symbol]] [[underlined]] fide [[/underlined]] Johnson. Roman says "Either [[underlined]] similis [[/underlined]] or [[underlined]] filicornis [[/underlined]], but impossible to discern in a [[male symbol]]".
Quarry above Glenasmole, Du. 14.8.23. A.W.S.!
No.22.} [[underlined]] Glypta longicauda [[/underlined]] Hlg. Roman says "Probably right, but only a var. of [[underlined]] bifoveolata [[/underlined]] (antennae!) "I dont know what he means by "antennae". AWS.
[[male symbol]] & [[female symbol]] Abbeylein, Q. Co. R.A.Phillips. 27.8.25.

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No. 23.}
No. 24.} Run to [[underlined]] Glypta haesitator [[/underlined]] Grav. AWS. ? [[male symbol]] & [[female symbol]]. Roman says "Is [[underlined]] parvicaudata [[/underlined]] Bridg. (= [[underlined]] crassitarris [[/underlined]] Thoms.) both described 1889." 
Rathdrum, WI. AWS. 14.6.26!
No. 27. }
No. 28. } Run to [[underlined]] Glypta tenuicornis [[/underlined]] Thoms. AWS ? [[male symbol]] & [[female symbol]]. Roman says "Is [[underlined]] parvicaudata [[/underlined]]", but seems [[insertion]] to me [[/insertion]] quite distinct from Nos. 23 & 24. AWS.
Tonelagee, WI. AWS. 5.6.26! Over 1,500 ft alt, probably!
No. 25. [[underlined]] Glypta nigricornis [[/underlined]] [[female symbol]]. Roman agrees & adds "I have found [[male symbol]] & [[female symbol]] at [[upsala?]] on umbelliferous flowers"!
Clara, WI. 12.7.26!
No. 30. [[underlined]] Glypta [[/underlined]] sp. ? [[female symbol]] Roman says "is [[underlined]] nigricornis [[/underlined]] Thoms. & it seems the same as last. AWS.
W. of Arklow, WI. 12.8.25. AWS.
No. 26. [[underlined]] Glypta varicoxa [[/underlined]] Thoms. Roman says "Right. A [[female symbol]] from [[upsala?]] has purer white on hind legs".
Rathdrum, WI. 13.8.25. AWS!
No. 29. Glypta [[female symbol]] "near [[underlined]] scalaris [[/underlined]]" fide W.F. Johnson 1925. A. Roman says is "also [[underlined]] parvicaudata [[/underlined]]"
[[circled]] 30 see above [[/circled]] Gt Sugar Loaf, WI. 31.5.22. R.F. Scharff.
No. 31 }
No. 32 } [[underlined]] Glypta flavolineata [[/underlined]] Grav. [[male symbol]] & [[female symbol]]. Roman says "Right, but the species ought to be called [[underlined]] bipunctoria [[/underlined]] Thaub."
Glenville, near Lahinch, CL. [[male symbol]] on 25.7.24 & [[female symbol]] on 24.7.24!

Transcription Notes:
Reviewed and have solved several [[?]] but am unsure of [[upsala?]]. Also I think there were notes left previously in this section but they appeared to be removed. If you could leave them as it helps with the review process. Thanks. @siobhanleachman