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8th March 1928. Dull & cold after some fine sunny days.  Glen above Enniskerry (Glencallon) Co. WI.  Nothing doing, but some early willows well out.  Also [[underlined]] Viola reichenbachiana [[/underlined]]. Took [[underlined]] Trichiosoma [[/underlined]] cocoon on birch from which em. on 22nd May '28 a large [[female symbol]] [[underlined]] [[Protrarchus?]] rufus! [[/underlined]]
11th March 1928. Very cold, NE wind, frequent showers of pickly snow.  Sunny intervals.
12th March 1928. Heavy snow all day which lay for a couple of days; but end of week again very warm. [[underlined]] Capressus macrocarpa [[/underlined]] hedge killed!
18th March 1928. A warm day with sun & showers but most of the sun while we were in the car.
Ballyhenry, Co. WI. no sun while we were there but the morning had been sunny. 12 noon.
[[underlined]] Andrena clarkella [[/underlined]] 2 [[2 male symbols]] on Willow.
[[underlined]] Andrena apicata [[/underlined]] [[2 male symbols]] & 1 [[female symbol]], [[insertion]] ^ [[2 male symbols]] [[/insertion]] on stones & [[insertion]] ^ [[female symbol]] on [[/insertion]] willows.
[[underlined]] Meloƫ proscarabaeus [[/underlined]] several seen, eating grass as usual.
Clara, Co. WI 1 pm till 2.30: cloudy.
Only very tall willows out. Large grey moth seen flying round Birch trees at sand flat. River in spate & deep on [[underlined]] P. approximatus [[/underlined]] habitat.

[[end page]]
[[start page]]


18th March 1928 cont.
[[underlined]] Anemone nemorosa [[/underlined]] out in Glen of the Down
[[underlined]] Caltha [[/underlined]] well out in Kilmartin Channel, where Daisy thinks she saw it on 19th February.
No [[underlined]] Bombi [[/underlined]] seen nor no Chiffchaffs heard.

[[line across page]]
25th March 1928. A glorious day, after a most dreadfully wet, dull, week!
Wooden bridge district 12 - 3pm.
Meeting of the Water, Avoca. 3.15 to 4.30 pm.
[[underlined]] Andrena praecox [[/underlined]] [[2 male symbols]] on sticks &c in march at meeting of Monaglogh & Gold Mines Valleys.
[[underlined]] Bombus lucorum [[/underlined]] several [[2 female symbols]].
[[underlined]] B. terrestris [[/underlined]] 1 [[female symbol]].
[[underlined]] B. jonellus [[/underlined]] 1 [[female symbol]].
[[side note applying to above bracketed species]]
All on willows at foot of Monaglogh Valley.
[[/side note]]

[[underlined]] Dolerus [[/underlined]] nitens? [[female symbol]]. Taken by A. A. Lisney in oak-wood in Good Mines Valley, opposite [[underlined]] [[Styporicus?]] elodes [[/underlined]] swamp.
[[left side top note, insertion]] sp.? see R.C.L.P's note dated 12/11/28, in which he says it cannot be [[underlined]] possilensis [[/underlined]] or [[underlined]] nitens [[/underlined]]. He seems to suggest it is [[underlined]] anthracinus [[/underlined]] but with furrowed middle lobe of mesonotun.
[[/left side top note, insertion]]
[[left side bottom note, insertion]] [[image - arrow pointing to left]]
But in letter dated 8.1.31 after reexamination RCLP says "It is certainly safter to call the 2 [[2 female symbols]] [[underlined]] D. nitens [[/underlined]] vars. than [[underlined]] anthracinus [[/underlined]]" [[image - arrow pointing to the right]]
[[underlined]] Cryptopimpla [[/underlined]] anomala Holrys. 3 [[2 male symbols]] & 1 [[female symbol]] flying over [[underlined]] Vaccinium [[/underlined]] in oak-wood in Gold Mines Valley.
[[underlined]] Banchus [[strikethrough]] pictus [[/strikethrough]] crefeldensis [[/underlined]] [[male symbol]] Roman No. 114 [[strikethrough]] [[male symbol]] [[/strikethrough]]. Taken by A.A.L. on railway below Meeting of the Waters, Avoca.
Tortorishell Battesflies (usual) [[insertion]] ^ seen [[/insertion]] [[underlined]] Oxalis acetosella [[/underlined]] in flower & 1 Chiff-Chaff heard at foot of Monaglogh & Gold Mine Valleys!