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7th June 1928 (afternoon). A warm day with no sun in aft.
Deerpark, Powerscourt, WI. 3.30 till 5.30 pm.
[[underlined]] Dolerus gessneri [[/underlined]] [[strikethrough]] [[checkmark]] RCLP [[/strikethrough]] [[2 male symbols]] & [[female symbol]], [[underlined]] D. bimaculatus [[/underlined]] [[2 male symbols]] & [[2 female symbols]]
[[underlined]] Loderus vestigialis [[/underlined]] [[checkmark]] RCLP. var. [[female symbol]]. A few each seen on rushes. 
[[underlined]] Vespa rufa [[/underlined]] [[virgin neuter symbol]] seen.
[[underlined]] Lissonota maculata [[/underlined]] large [[female symbol]] at log
[[underlined]] Ischnocerus filicornis [[/underlined]] [[female symbol]] at log near sawmill : another seen!
Red marked Tryphonid at log.
Mesoleptid in marsh.

Very few flying insects out as rain threatened; but Coleptera very abundant

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10th June 1928. A windy, strong W. wind, & a good deal of sun, but cool & following a very warm sticky weak & therefore  nothing out or only a few things out.
Rathdrum & rt. bank of river to Avondale bridge as usual!
[[underlined]] Bombus agrorum [[/underlined]] a few [[2 female symbols]]. [[underlined]] B. lucorum [[/underlined]] 1 [[female virgin symbol]] seen.
[[underlined]] Andrena fucata [[/underlined]] [[2 male symbol]] seen. [[underlined]] A. wilkella [[/underlined]] [[2 male symbols]] & [[2 female symbols]] seen.
[[underlined]] A. saundersella [[/underlined]] [[male symbol]]
[[underlined]] Halictus nitidiusculus [[/underlined]] [[female symbol]] examined!
[[underlined]] Nomada ruficornis [[/underlined]] [[female symbol]].
[[underlined]] Sphecodes divisus [[/underlined]] [[female symbol]] on Cow Parship.
[[underlined]] Gorytes mystaceus [[/underlined]] [[male symbol]]
[[underlined]] Crabro dimidiatus [[/underlined]] [[2 male symbols]] abundant; 1 [[female symbol]]
[[underlined]] C. leucostoma [[/underlined]] seen. 
[[underlined]] Vespa [[/underlined]] 1 [[female symbol]] & 1 [[virgin female symbol]] seen (? [[underlined]] rufa [[/underlined]])
[[underlined]] Pompilus spissus [[/underlined]] [[female symbol]] at stump below Avondale footbridge.
[[underlined]] Agenia variegata [[/underlined]] [[male symbol]] at stump where old truck crosses ry. S. of tunnel.

Tenthredophsis [[2 male symbols]] frequent; 1 toffee-coloured [[female symbol]] ([[underlined]] inornate [[/underlined]]?) on leaves of Cow Parsnip on ry. at  N. end of viaduct.
[[underlined]] Rhogoaster [[aneapariae?]] [[/underlined]] [[checkmark]] RCLP. [[female symbol]] on Cow Parsnip in Carex marsh.
[[underlined]] Pechyprotasis rapae [[/underlined]] at station path. 
[[underlined]] cont. [[/underlined]]