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19th June 1928. afternoon [[insertion]] [[image - arrow pointing downwards]] Deerpark, Powerscourt, Co. WI. [[/insertion]]: thunder & heavy rain after a fine [[strikethrough]] Ju [[/strikethrough]] morning: nothing seen but a couple of sawflies (taken by Lisney); some sawfly larvae on oak (Lisney) sent to Perkins & a sample of icks. 
[[underlined]] Dolerus gessneri [[/underlined]] [[female symbol]].[[underlined]] Loderus vestigialis [[/underlined]] [[checkmark]] RCLP. [[female symbol]] 
[[underlined]] Tomastethus luteiventris [[/underlined]] [[female symbol]] 
Dark form of beetle  ([[female symbol]]) [[underlined]] Campylus linearis [[/underlined]] on log near saw mill. 

Larvae of sawfly Periclista (? albida) on oak sent to RC.L.P.
[[line across page]]
20th June 1928. All day: Went back to Deerpark, Powerscourt, Co. WI, [[insertion]] with OMahony! [[/insertion]] as morning was gloriously fine, but by 11 AM wind had turned from W to E & a "jam" formed & so no sun after that till 4:15 pm. by which time insects were tired & had gone to bed. Very little out, except a few beetles. 
[[underlined]] Dolerus bimaculatis [[/underlined]] both sexes still abundant on [[underlined]] Equisetum palustre [[/underlined]] on left bank of river opposite saw mill where swept one larvae (given to Miss Scott). 
[[underlined]] Dolerus [[/underlined]] palustris [[male symbol]] (RCLP.) in marsh near road below sawmill! 
[[underlined]] Dolerus aeneus  [[/underlined]] [[2 male symbols]] RCLP. Beetles [[underlined]] Campylus linearis [[/underlined]] 1 [[female symbol]] type: 1 [[female symbol]] dark form at same log as before. 
[[underlined]] Glypta "similis" [[/underlined]] [[male symbol]].

[[end page]] 
[[start page]]


20/6/28 cont. Deerpark, Powerscourt, cont. [[strikethrough]] Polusphincta [[/strikethrough]] [[underlined]] Colpomeria! [[/underlined]] [[underlined]] quadrisculpta [[/underline]] [[insertion]] Grav. (!AWS. 20/10/28) [[female symbol]] near "big oak" logs! 
[[underlined]] Ichneumon filicornis [[/underlined]] several [[2 male symbols]] & [[female symbol]] at big oak logs & long fir log near saw mill. 
[[strikethrough]] [[underlined]] Xylonomus [[/underlined]] [[/strikethrough]] [[/underlined]] Ichneumon seticornis [[/underlined]] [[praecatorius?]] ? [[line from seticornis to male symbol]] [[male symbol]], near "big oak" logs, at stump  
Small sp. with green cubical head like Proctotrupid.
Cratichneumon   [[2 male symbols]] flying over bracken.
Tipulid fly on log with Campylus ([[underlined]] Xylophagus ater [[/underlined]] F.] new to Ireland
[Acroblapticus dentifer? AWS. 11/3/33. See also 4/9/1932. [[female symbol]] taken on wind screen of motor, about, Dundrum, Co. Du.]
[[line across page]]
23.6.28. A fine morning & a fine evening though stormy but midday spoiled by passing secondary depression which covered entire period of our stay on Lug. Glen of Imaal at Ballinaddin [[insertion]] ^ 900 ft. alt [[/insertion]] & Lugnaquilla, [[insertion]] ^ 3039 ft. alt, [[/insertion]] Co. WI.  
One red ich (vol. 1 or 2) taken by Lisney on Lug. at 2200 ft in heather  
Many sawflies seen & some captured about Ballinaddin: in fields, along ditches & round willows ([[underlined]] S. aurita [[/underlined]]) in shelter. 
[[underlined]] Pachyprotasis rapae [[/underlined]] [[male symbol]].  [[underlined]] Rhogogaster viridis [[/underlined]] ? seen.
[[underlined]] Tenthredopsis [[/underlined]] [[2 male symbols]] & [[female symbol]] seen.  Larvae of [[underlined]] Amauronematus histrio [[/underlined]] [[2 female symbols]] ^[[insertion]] [[encircled]] bred by RCLP & CM. March 1929 [[/encircled]] [[/insertion]] on [[underlined]] Salix aurita [[/underlined]] sent to RCLP. (AAL & AMG.) 
[[underlined]] Selandria flavens [[/underlined]] [[checkmark]] RCLP [[male symbol]] by Ballinaddin brook behind ruined farmstead.
Proctohybrid on willows below B.
Mesochorus [[insertion]] ^ (? fulgurans Curt) sp. [[female symbol]] taken by Lisney in field below B, 

Other icks taken by Gwynn 

Transcription Notes:
2nd page 3/4 down: Pachyprotais??? Checked species - it's Pachyprotasis -@siobhanleachman