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16.7.28 Arkintinny, Co. WI cont.
[[underlined]] Andrena subopaca [[/underlined]] ? [[2 female symbols]] on wild Carrot &c.
[[underlined]] Colletes picistigma [[/underlined]] mostly [[2 female symbols]] seen on [[underlined]] Achillea mill. [[/underlined]] &c.
[[underlined]] Halictus calceatus [[/underlined]] & [[underlined]] rubricundus [[/underlined]] & [[/underlined]] villosulus [[/underlined]] [[2 female symbols]] seen.
[[underlined]] Sphecodes affinis [[/underlined]] (?) & [[underlined]] S. divisus [[/underlined]] (?) [[2 female symbols]] seen. 
[[underlined]] Odynerus pictus [[/underlined]] seen. 
[[underlined]] Chrysis ignita [[/underlined]] seen.

Tenthredo arcuata seen.
[[underlined]] Pimpla maculator [[/underlined]] [[male symbol]] freak with 2nd segment [[image - pen sketch of part of insect]] wedge shaped.
[[underlined]] lissonota bellator [[/underlined]] 2 [[2 female symbols]] on wild Carrot. 
[[underlined]] Ichneumon sarcitorius [[/underlined]] [[female symbol]] seen.

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Took a very fresh [[female symbol]] [[underlined]] Megachile willughbiella [[/underlined]] in garden at Mayfield; & also [[underlined]] Crabro clasipes [[/underlined]] on early morning of 15.7.28. Another [[underlined]] willughbiella [[/underlined]] [[female symbol]] on 21.7.28.
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[ [[underlined]] Lissonota femorata [[/underlined]] [[female symbol]] ? Templemore, NT. R.A.P. 13.7.28]

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[[vertically, left margin]] Very good ground along King's River [[/vertically, left margin]]

19.7.28. A warm day; with much sun after 3pm. Down to Glanree, King's River Valley, Co. WI. & Ascended Glanree to L. Ferrit, with J.S. Smith & Leighton (U.S.A.) No time for collecting insects but A.A. Lisney & A.M. Gwynn staged in King's R. Valley & Collected larvae of sawflies, sawflies & icks.
Larvae sent to R.C.L.P. "[[underlined]] Pteronidea ferrugineo [[/underlined]] 2 [[2 female symbols]] hatched 23.9.28" RCLP. Also 1 larva of [[underlined]] Pt. curtispina [[/underlined]]. See RCLP [[underlined]] in litt. [[/underlined]] 15.XI.28. 
[[underlined]] Athelia lugens [[/underlined]] [[male symbol]], [[underlined]] TEnth. atra [[/underlined]] [[female sybmol]] Both [[checkmark]] RCLP. taken by A.A.L. & Lisney gave me about 10 spp. of icks, including [[underlined]] Lissonota bellator [[/underlined]] [[male symbol]], [[underlined]] L. cylindrator [[/underlined]] [[male symbol]], Lerrabrunda ? [[female symbol]]

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22.7.28. A dull day with misty rain.
Drove with Brunker to Ballymockan, Co. WI. I worked great bog in valley & hillsides [[insertion]] (NE. of) [[/insertion]] round Ballymorkan Quarries for plants.
3 [[2 male sybmols]] of [[underlined]] Hemitelas [[/underlined]] ?? hunting about marshy edges of stream below Ballyknockan: more seen.
[[male symbol]] Tryphonid [[insertion]] [[underlined]] T. elongata [[/underlined]] [[/insertion]] taken on Angelica which was just in flower. 
[[underlined]]  Scabiosa succisa [[/underlined]] (a few flowers) just out.
Added [[underlined]] Drosera anglica [[/underlined]] to Co. WI. & saw plenty of [[underlined]] Andromeda, V. oxycoccus, Rhynchospora [[/underlined] alba, myrtle & Brunken got [[underlined]] Malaxis paludosa [[/underlined]] with last on hillside N. of quarries.