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17th February 1929. A.S.W. Train to Skerries, walked to Rush & via Rogerstown Creek (N. shore) to Rush Station.
A fine day with strong cold E. wind!

24th February 1929. Drove, with OMahony, to Ballysmutton Bridge, Upper Lippey, to meet Southern, Praeger &c. & to discuss proposed biological survey of Liffey. 

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{ Labelled 23.2.29! 24.2.29 cont. In rotten stump in Cloughleagore glen, containing [[underlined]] Rhagium bifasciatum [[/underlined]], a bunch of 9 [[underlined]] Ishnocerus filicornis [[/underlined]] cocoons was found from which hatched 4 [[2 male symbols]] (on 28th, 29th & 30th March, and 1st April 1929) & 5 [[2 female symbols]] (on 4th April (2), 5th April (2), & 6th April (1), 1929).

Poor day  with some rain! March marigolds in flower at Ballywood Bridge.

3rd March 1929. A.S.W. Drove in motor to Deerpark Gate. Walked up Glencree (S. side) to Ballyross Road, where in stream-bed [[left margin, insertion]] Frog spawn [[/left margin, insertion]] Palmer returned [[underlined]] Hymenophyllum unilaterale [[/underlined]] (D'Arcy's record). Then up stream on to plateau over Tonduff South on summit of which Brunker found nice colony of [[underlined]] Vaccinium vitis-idaea [[/underlined]], over Maulin & back to motor. A [[underlined]] Glorious [[/underlined]] day with no wind & no clouds. Much snow still on hills. Frog spawn in swamp above Ballyross Road to 700 ft.  Davis say Bumble Bee (?sp) in Kenilworth Square!
6th March 1929. Worked lower Glenasmole, but saw nothing out except one Peacock Butterfly on cliff opposite Brandy's
10th March 1929. A glorious sunny day as all previous week. Drove to Gold Minor Valley & back. Stopped at Ballyhenry quarry in morning, where nothing out & willows very backward, & at Meeting of the Waters, Aovea in afternoon where saw a [[female symbol]] Ichneumon (vol. 1.) & captured a [[male symbol]] [[underlined]] Hemitalus [[/underlined]] ? below Castle Howard. Gold Mine Valley frozen in shade & nothing seen. All willows very backward & one at Aovea nearly over on 14/3/27 still in mid winter conditions. Tortoiseshell Butterflies at Ballshenry & M. Waters!

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Glorious day after frosty night, but cold SE breeze near coast!
17th March 1929 (Sunday). A.S.W. Drove, with RJ Welch & J.A.S. Stendall to Ballyhenry, WI., where saw several [[underlined]] Meloe proscarabaeus [[/underlined]] & one fresh [[female symbol]] [[underlined]] Andrena apicata [[/underlined]]; latter sunning itself on stone on "cliff" face. No sign of [[2 male symbols]] of Andrena, & willows no further on. No [[underlined]] Bombi [[/underlined]].
Then drove on to Wicklow Head, where spent most of day with Lt. Keeper Smith. Saw Peregrine Falcon, 2 pair Raven, with young on nest S. of Lt. Ho. (2nd pair 1/2 mile further South!)
Very nice overflow channel across back of Lt. Ho. promintary, making latter a natural fortress!
At 3.30 pm. drove through Wicklow & Rathnew to Ballylusk where had afternoon tea!
Then home. Gathered a few Bristle-tails at Lt. House for Womersley! Saw frogspawn just hatched at foot of overflow channel Ichinod Lt. House at Wicklow Head!
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