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Dr. A. [[underlined]] Romans notes continued! [[/underlined]]

60. [[underlined]] Pimpla hibernica [[/underlined]] Morley [[female symbol]]. A dark form.? AWS.
Ballyarthur, WI. 25.8.25.
"I think so too!" A. Roman.

61. [[underlined]] Pimpla robusta [[/underlined]] [[insertion]] ^ Morley [[/insertion]] [[female symbol]] Magherabeg, WI. 1.7.27. A.W.S.
"Your specimen concurs entirely with a [[female sybmol]] in the Swedish museum collection under [[underlined]] Pimpla detrita [[/underlined]] (under this label there are also the real [[underlined]] detritus [[/underlined]] Hgn. & [[underlined]] arundinator [[/underlined]] F. with quite black abdomen). I have caught several [[underlined]] robustus [[/underlined]] in meadows, &, as you know, think it is Thomson's [[underlined]] nigricans [[/underlined]]; the difference in the hind tarsi I do not think real, but depending on carelessness on Thomson's part. [[underlined]] Habermehli [[/underlined]] Schmied. is according to Ulbricht only the form of [[underlined]] arundinator [[/underlined]] with quite black abdomen." A. Roman. 26.3.29.

62. [[underlined]] "Pimpla [[insertion]] ^ ([[underlined]] Epiurus [[/underlined]]) [[/insertion]] calobata punctiventris [[/underlined]] Thom." [[female symbol]] Garden at Mayfield, Harold's Cross, DU. A.W.S. 13.7.1922.

63. [[underlined]] "Pimpla [[insertion]] ^ ([[underlined]] Epiurus [[/underlined]]) [[/insertion]] sagax [[/underlined]] Htg. [[male symbol]]" Rye Water, Leixlip, KD. A.W.S. 15.5.28.

64. [[underlined]] "Pimpla [[insertion]] ^ ([[underlined]] Epiurus [[/underlined]]) [[/insertion]] brevicornis [[/underlined]] Grav." Very large [[female symbol]]. Bohernabreena, DU. A.W.S. [[strikethrough]] [[female symbol]] "= [[underlined]] nigriscaperus [[/underlined]] Thoms." [[underlined]] fide [[/underlined]] A.R. 

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Transcription Notes:
These pages are re-imaged on page 163 of this project and transcribed in full there. Any changes made to this transcription need to be reflected on that page as well. -@siobhanleachman In item 61 I changed the "[[/underlined]]" to "[[/insertion]]" after "Morley" -thomasc