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29. 1 [[female symbol]] Somewhat like the last (28), but with shorter terebra & differently coloured hind tibiae & tarsi. Johnson named this specimen "[[underlined]] scalaris [[/underlined]]" Grav.! This specimen was also taken in the mountains!
Also parvicaudata. The length of terebra evidently varies a little within the species; different hosts?

30. 1 [[female symbol]] Might run to [[underlined]] filicornis [[/underlined]] Thoms., but does not seem to fit that species. Is clypeus "nicht" or "dicht" sehopfig behaart? The only specimen I have taken!
Is nigricornis. Clyp. seen in profile thickly pubescent.

31 & 32. [[male symbol]] & [[female symbol]]. Run to [[underlined]] flavolinealia [[/underlined]]]] Grav.   Common.
[[underlined]] Obs! [[/underlined]] The costagenalis ("Waugeuleiste") is sinuous nearly "broken". Right, but the species ought to be called [[underlined]] bipunctoria Thumb. [[/underlined]].

33. 1 [[male symbol]]. Runs to [[underlined]] evanescens [[/underlined]] Rtzb. The only specimen I have seen.

34. 1 [[male symbol]] which I cannot place at all!
Probably meusurator, but different to say from a single [[male symbol].

Please return these notes to A.W.S.