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Dr. A. [[underlined]] Romans notes continued! [[/underlined]]

60. [[underlined]] Pimpla hibernica [[/underlined]] Morley [[female symbol]]. A dark form.? AWS.
Ballyarthur, WI. 25.8.25.
"I think so too!" A. Roman.

61. [[underlined]] Pimpla robusta [[/underlined]] [[insertion]] ^ Morley [[/underlined]] [[female symbol]] Magherabeg, WI. 1.7.27. A.W.S.
"Your specimen concurs entirely with a [[female sybml]] in the Swedish museum collection under [[underlined]] Pimpla detrita [[/underlined]] (under this label there are also the real [[underlined]] detritus [[/underlind]] Hgn. & [[underlined]] arundinator [[/underlined]] F. with quite black abdomen). I have caught several [[underlined]] robustus [[/underlined]] in meadows, &, as you know, think it is Thomson's [[underlined]] nigricans [[/underlined]]; the difference in the hind tarsi I do not think real, but depending on carelessness on Thomson's part. [[underlined]] Habermehli [[/underlined]] Schmied. is according to Ulbricht only the form of [[underlined]] arundinator [[/underlined]] with quite black abdomen." A. Roman. 26.3.29.

62. [[underlined]] "Pimpla [[insertion]] ^ ([[underlined]] Epiurus [[/underlined]]) [[/insertion]] calobata punctiventris [[/underlined]] Thom." [[female symbol]] Garden at Mayfield, Harold's Cross, DU. A.W.S. 13.7.1922.

63. [[underlined]] "Pimpla [[insertion]] ^ ([[underlined]] Epiurus [[/underlined]]) [[/insertion]] sagax [[/underlined]] Htg. [[male symbol]]" Rye Water, Leixlip, KD. A.W.S. 15.5.28.

64. [[underlined]] "Pimpla [[insertion]] ^ ([[underlined]] Epiurus [[/underlined]]) [[/insertion]] brevicornis [[/underlined]] Grav." Very large [[female symbol]]. Bohernabreena, DU. A.W.S. [[strikethrough]] [[female symbol]] "= [[underlined]] nigriscaperus [[/underlined]] Thoms." [[underlined]] fide [[/underlined]] A.R. 

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64. [[underlined]] "Pimpla [[insertion]] ^ ([[underlined]] Epiurus [[/underlined]]) [[/insertion]] brevicornis [[/underlined]] Grav." Very small [[female symbol]]. Arklow district WI. 30.4.26. "Small specimen of No. 3" (i.e. 64!) A. Roman.

66. [[underlined]] "Pimpla [[insertion]] ^ ([[underlined]] Itoplactis [[/underlined]]) [[/insertion]] maculator [[/underlined]] F. "var. with black body. I think! "A.R. Garden at Mayfield, Harold's Cross, DU. July 1921.

[[strikethrough]] 67. "[[underlined]] Pimpla ovisora [[/underlined]] Boh. (= [[underlined]] angens [[/strikethrough]] Grav.) Typical form!"
Deputy's Pass, WI. 18.8.25. A.W.S.

68. "[[underlined]] Pimpla ovivora [[/underlined]] [[/strikethrough]]

67. "[[underlined]] Pimpla [[insertion]] ^ ([[underlined]] Itepleatis [[/underlined]]) alternans [[/underlined]] Grav. [[insertion]] ^ [[female symbol]] [[/insertion]] near to var. Kolthoffi Cuoriv."
Deputy's Pass, WI. 18.8.1925. A.W.S.

68. "[[underlined]] Pimpla [[insertion]] ^ ([[underlined]] Tromat. [[/underlined]]) [[/insertion]] [[underlined]] ovivora [[/underlined]] Boh. (= [[underlined]] angens [[/underlined]] Grav.) Very large [[female symbol]] with dark legs." Rathdrum, WI. 7.7.1926. A.W.S.
"A remarkable dark var.!" "Very large specimen"! [[underlined]] fide [[/underlined]] A.R.

69. "[[underlined]] Pimpla [[insertion]] ^ ([[underlined]] Tromat. [[/underlined]]) ovivora [[/underlined]] Boh. Typical [[female symbol]]". Powerscourt demesne, WI. 4.10.1928. A.W.S.  "Regularly coloured! (in N. & C. Europe the mesopleura are often spotted with red") [[underlined]] fide [[/underlined]] A.R.

70. "[[underlined]] Pimpla (Iseropus) stercorator [[/underlined]] F. ([[underlined]] P. Holmgreni [[/underlined]] Schm.: an unnecessary new name for Fabricius no doubt describes just this [[male symbol]])" A.R.
Arklow district,    Co. WI. [[strikethrough]] [[?]] [[/strikethrough]] 9.6.26. AWS.

Transcription Notes:
These pages are re-imaged on page 149 of this project to include the loose leaf sheets folded and obsuring the text. Any changes made to the first page of transcription need to be reflected on that page as well. -@siobhanleachman