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[[checkmark]] Cladius pectinicornis [[male symbol]] Ballinahemera WA 1/8/28 A.W.S. [[checkmark]]
[[checkmark]] " " [[Dittos for: Cladius pectinicornis]] [[female symbol]] Maghgiha Cappagh WA 17/8/28 " " [[Dittos for: A.W.S.]] [[checkmark]]
[[checkmark]] Priophories padi [[male symbol]] var. Rockfield Cappagh WA 2/8/28 " " [[Dittos for: A.W.S.]] [[checkmark]]
[[checkmark]] Emphytus pallipes [[female symbol]] " " " " " " " [[Dittos for: Rockfield Cappagh WA 2/8/28 A.W.S.]] [[checkmark]]
[[checkmark]] Phyllotoma vagas [[female symbol]] " " " " " " " [[Dittos for: Rockfield Cappagh WA 2/8/28 A.W.S.]] [[checkmark]]
[[checkmark]] Selandria morio [[female symbol]] Magngiha Cappagh WA. 4/8/28 " [[Ditto for: A.W.S.]] [[checkmark]]
[[checkmark]] Dolerus anecus [[male symbol]] 1500 ft. Coomshingaun WA 5/8/26 " [[Ditto for: A.W.S.]] [[checkmark]]
[[checkmark]] Sel. cinericpes [[female symbol]] Glenmore WA 16/8/28.  [[checkmark]]
[[checkmark]] Pristiphora pallidiventris [[female symbol]] Helvic Head WA 17/8/28 " [[Ditto for: A.W.S.]] [[checkmark]] 
[[checkmark]] Euphytus pallipes [[female symbol]] Stradbully WA 18/8/28 " [[Ditto for: A.W.S.]] [[checkmark]] 
[[checkmark]] E. cinctus [[female symbol]] Portrane DU 31/8/28 " [[Ditto for: A.W.S.]] [[checkmark]]
[[checkmark]] Craesus latipes [[male sybmol]] ? Clonmel [[strikethrough]] l [[/strikethrough]] WA 25/7/28 J.N.H. [[checkmark]]
[[checkmark]] Pachyn. obductus [[female symbol]] " " " " " " " [[Dittos for: Clonmel WA 25/7/28 J.N.H.]] [[checkmark]]
[[checkmark]] [[Ame[[strikethrough]] s [[/strikethrough]]l. squiseti?]] [[female symbol]] " " " " " " " [[Dittos for: Clonmel WA 25/7/28 J.N.H.]] [[checkmark]]
[[checkmark]] Pristiphora ruficornis [[male symbol]] " "  [[Dittos for: Clonmel WA]] July " " [[Dittos for: J.N.H.]] [[checkmark]]
[[checkmark]] Selandria serva large [[female symbol]] " " " " " [[Dittos for: Clonmel WA July J.N.H.]] [[checkmark]]
[[checkmark]] Emphytus calciatus [[female symbol]] " " " " " [[Dittos for: Clonmel WA July J.N.H.]] [[checkmark]]
[[checkmark]] E. cinctus var [[female symbol]] " " " " " [[Dittos for: Clonmel WA July J.N.H.]] [[checkmark]]
[[checkmark]] Priophories padi [[female symbol]] " " " " " [[Dittos for: Clonmel WA July J.N.H.]] [[checkmark]]
[[checkmark]] Athalia lineolata [[strikethrough]] [[female symbol]] [[/strikethrough]] [[male symbol]] " [[Ditto for: Clonmel]] ST 23/7/28 " " [[Dittos for: J.N.H.]] [[checkmark]] 
[[checkmark]] Amet. glabrata [[male symbol]] " " " " " " " " [[Dittos for: Clonmel ST 23/7/28 J.N.H.]] [[checkmark]]
[[checkmark]] Pachynematus vagus [[female symbol]] " " " [[Dittos for: Clonmel ST]] July " " [[Dittos for: J.N.H]] [[checkmark]]
[[checkmark]] Tom. luteiventrio [[male symbol]] " " " " " [[Dittos for: Clonmel ST July J.N.H]] [[checkmark]]
[[checkmark]] Calivoa limacina [[female symbol]] " " " " " [[Dittos for: Clonmel ST July J.N.H]] [[checkmark]]
[[checkmark]] Pachynematus diaphanus var? [[female symbol]] Kilbarryack DU. 28/8/28 " " [[Dittos for: J.N.H]] [[checkmark]]
[[checkmark]] Amet. glabrata [[female symbol]] Portrane DU 2/9/28 A.W.S [[checkmark]]
[[checkmark]] Cladius difformis [[female symbol]] " " [[Dittos for: Portrane DU]] " " "  " " " [[Dittos for: 2/9/28 A.W.S.]] [[checkmark]]
[[checkmark]] Pachynematus obductus [[female symbol]] Kilbrassuck DU 28/8/28 J.W.H [[checkmark]]