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Saw-Flies May 1928 Identified by R.C.L.P.

Hoplocampa flava = ferruginea [[female symbol]] Athry KD J. O'Mahony 2:5:28 
Blenocampa tenuicornis var humarilis [[female symbol]] Killbauich DU E. O'Mahoney  5.5.28
Dolerus oblongis [[male symbol]] Boher-na-breena A.W.S. 8.5.28
D. haemalostes [[male symbol]] " " " " " " [[Dittos for: Boher-na-breena A.W.S.]] 8.5.28
D. palustris [[male symbol]] Ballylusk W.I. " " " [[Dittos for: A.W.S.]] 13.5.28
Pontania bella (?) [[female symbol]] [[strikethrough]] ? [[/strikethrough]] " " " " " " " " " [[Dittos for: Ballylusk W.I. A.W.S 13.5.28]]
Rhogogaster [[strikethrough]] accuf [[/strikethrough]] aucuparia [[strikethrough]] male symbol [[/strikethrough]] [[female symbol]] Rye Water KD " " " [[Dittos for: A.W.S.]] 18.5.28
Dolerus palustris  3 [[male symbols]]s one very [[abressent?]] " " " " "  [[Dittos for: Rye Water]] 18.5.28
Pachymematus cliellatus [[female symbol]]  " " " " " " [[Dittos for: Rye Water A.W.S. 18.5.28]]
Selandria flavens 4 [[male symbol]]s and one [[female symbol]] " " " " " " [[Dittos for: Rye Water A.W.S. 18.5.28]]
Blenocampa tenuicornis 2 [[female symbol]]s " " " " " " [[Dittos for: Rye Water A.W.S. 18.5.28]]
" " " [[Dittos for: Blenocampa tenuicornis]] [" (?) one [[male symbol]] absent small [[strikethrough]] 1/18 [[/strikethrough]] "1/10" supernumerary antennal joint on one side. Regular black as in typical tenuicornis whereas all I have seen have these pale as in the female = var humarilis [[strikethrough]] ( [[/strikethrough]] Voll [[strikethrough]] ) [[/strikethrough]]" form R.C.L.P. 7/12/28.] Rye Water 18.5.28.
Dolerus nigratus 3 [[male symbol]]s & 2 [[female symbol]]s " " " " " [[Dittos for: Rye Water 18.5.28.]]
Dolerus haematodes [[male symbol]] " " " " " [[Dittos for: Rye Water 18.5.28.]]
Dolerus picipes [[male symbol]] " " " " " [[Dittos for: Rye Water 18.5.28.]]
Dolerus aeneus [[male symbol]]  Dunamace QC. AWS 6.5.28.
Cladius pictinicornis var difformis [[female symbol]] Shankill DU A.A.L. 24.5.28
R[[insertion]] ^ h [[/insertion]]ogogaster aucuparis 2 [[male symbol]]s Devils Glen WI A.W.S. 20.5.28
Pachyprotasis rapae [[male symbol]] " " " " " " [[Dittos for: Devils Glen WI A.W.S. 20.5.28]]
Emphytus carpini [[male symbol]] " " " " " " [[Dittos for: Devils Glen WI A.W.S. 20.5.28]]
Pontanea sp? [[male symbol]] " " " " " " [[Dittos for: Devils Glen WI A.W.S. 20.5.28]]