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One large specimen 725 mm.  Cayo Grande de Moa, Cuba.  March 4.  Dark brown with three series of orange spots on body, their diameter about equal to gill opening.  Pectoral fins very short, less than half width of their base.  Head with many small orange spots about size of pupil.

[[underline]] Cypselurus furcatus [[/underline]] (Mitchill).
Exocoetus furcatus Mitchill, Trans. Lit. Phil. Soc. N. Y. I, 1815, 449, New York.
Pectoral and ventral fins blackish with the outer rays lighter.  Dorsal and anal rays black distally.  Two dark bars across lower lobe of caudal, rest of fin pale.  
1, young example 67 mm., from Little Cayemites, Haiti, April 16.
[[underline]] Hyporhamphus unifasciatus [[/underline]] (Ranzani).
Hemirhamphus unifasciatus Ranzani, Nov. Com. Acad., Sci. Bonon., V, 1842, 326, Brazil.
[[? 5, 62 to 104 mm., Cuba ?? from]] tip of upper jaw.  Lower jaw damaged in some individuals.  Port Tanamo, Cuba.  March 4.
1, 88 mm.  Ile a Vache, Haiti.  April 29.
5, 47 to 57 mm.  Bigie Bay, Haiti.  April 23.
5, 89 to 105 mm.  Cayo Grande Moa, Cuba.  March 4.