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   [[underline]] Hemiramphus brasiliensis [[/underline]] (Linnaeus).
Esox brasiliensis linnaeus,Syst. Nat., ed. X, 1758, 314, Jamaica; after Browne; Timucu of Macgrave wrongly included in the synonymy; Bloch, Ichth., 1801, 391, corrected synonymy and description. 
4, 68 to 185mm. Little Cayemites, Haiti. April 16.

   [[underline]] Belone argalus [[/underline]] LeSueur.
Belone argalus LaSueur, in Cuvier and Valenciennes, Hist. Nat. Poiss., XVIII, 1846, 326 (439), Guadeloupe, West Indies. 
    Maxillary completely hidden by the preorbital.  Lower jaw one third longer than upper; diameter of eye slightly greater than interorbital width.  Ventrals inserted midway between pupil and base of middle caudal rays.  Caudal peduncle strongly depressed, nearly three times broader than deep, upper surface of peduncle very dark, abruptly silvery below.
     1, 290 mm. Little Cayemites, Haiti. April 16,.