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[[underlined]] Rypticus saponaceus [[/underlined]] (Bloch and Schneider),
Anthias saponaceus Bloch and Schneider, Syst. Ichth. 1801, 310, Habana.
Head 3, depth 2 3/4, D. III-23, A. 16, P. 15, V. I-4, maxillary 2 1/3 in head, eye 5 3/4, snout 4 1/8, inter-orbital little more than half diameter of eye. Body head and fins covered with very small imbedded scales. Lateral line very faint [[?]] visible anteriorly. Preopercle with three pungent spines, the uppermost smallest but distinct. Opercle with three spines, the middle longest and nearer upper than lower which is directed downwards and backwards. Gill-rakers short and thick, longest equal to pupil diameter, 7 developed on lower limb of anterior arch. Highest dorsal rays 2 in head, anal similar to dorsal but slightly lower and much shorter. All fins broadly convex behind except ventrals which are more or less pointed. Color light brownish-yellow, the body with darker reticulations surrounding lighter areas or spots, lower jaw, branchiostegal membrane, and breast much lighter.
One female with large ovaries, 235 mm. Petit Baraderes Bay, Haiti. April 9.