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PagePlateClassObjectR.A.DecStartObs H.A.Obs DecStopExpDateMiscellaneous
148678NGC 525313 34-31.112 051 29 E-31.112 16Dec 23 1895x 8678 As former plates of this region have an elongated image, probably due to atmospheric absorption as it is elongated both in R.A. & Dec., the load for this plate has been increased 1.4 grs. over ordinary sidereal load, and for the next plate (No. 8679) will be decreased by a like amount in order to overcome the elongation in R.A. on one of the plates as much as possible. The correct amount of increase or decrease as the case may be can then be determined. Plate C 8678 The images on this plate are double, but they seem to be more nearly circular than those on Plate C 8679. * Plates 8678 & 8679 are taken in slightly wrong R.A. Do not cover N.G.C. 5253. Centres of plates about 13h 30m -31.1°
148679NGC 525313 34-31.112 181 16 E-31.112 36Dec 23 1895* Plates 8678 & 8679 are taken in slightly wrong R.A. Do not cover N.G.C. 5253. Centres of plates about 13h 30m -31.1°
14Dec 23 1895Only way I can account for this is that sidereal clock must have been out. I have sometimes found the one in the 11in dome to be as much as 5m slow. W.