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PagePlateClassObjectR.A.DecStartObs H.A.Obs DecStopExpDateMiscellaneous
19410093U Cephei0 53+81.306 155 23+81.307 56Mar 11 1897Ld on control clock = 100 g. Watch Control Clock (1) Watch 10 23h 17 07 - 41 0 (2) Watch 10 23 59 38 - 36 0 (3) Watch 11 1 30 01.5 - 41 0. (1) & (2) give 4661 beats per M.T. hour. (1) & (3) give 4660 beats per M.T. hour. This shows change of 33 beat for 10 rev. of screw. (See pages 192 & 193) 4658 is proper no. according to page 147. Therefore bob should be lowered 1 rev. { Lowered by 1 rev. Watch Control Clock (a) 1 51 09 - 38 0 (b) 2 36 45 - 37 0 (c) 4 12 36 - 42 0 (d) 8 16 03 - 56 0 (c) appears to be out by 1m in control clock reading. (See p. 147) (a) & (d) give 4657.8 beats per M.T. hour. x 10093 Var. Star App. 1m signal from B 394 "Magnet" precedes. B 394 6 41 1st movement. 7 16 RA -1/2 rev. 8 20 Last movement.
19410094Pole08 060 00+90.008 19Mar 11 1897x 10094 Reversed.
19410095Pole08 200 14 W+90.008 38Mar 11 1897
19410096U Hydrae10 30-12.608 531 38 E-5.009 56Mar 11 1897* 1900 pos. of U Hydrae is 10h 32.6m -12.9°
19410097U Hydrae10 30-12.609 570 34 E-5.011 17Mar 11 1897x 10097 Isochromatic Plate Tel. ready for Ecl. Jup. Sat. I. at 14:23, but sky 3S 10Q. * 1900 pos. of U Hydrae is 10h 32.6m -12.9°
19410098GC 357213 25+47.811 571 28 E+47.813 02Mar 11 1897