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Don't exceed $5.00 a day for meals, lodging, bath, and waiter fees, the latter not to exceed 30 cents.
Don't exceed 25 cents a day for porter fees on sleeping cars.
Don't exceed 10 cents for porter fees on parlor or chair cars.
Don't exceed $1.25 a week for laundry; 20 cents for each additional day. Don't bring forward charges for laundry from previous account.
Don't exceed 10 cents for porter fees at stations or hotels.
Don't charge for hotel porter except on arrival and departure.
Don't exceed 10 cents for checking personal baggage.
Don't exceed 50 cents for transfer of self and 50 cents for transfer of baggage between hotels and stations.
Don't purchase railroad tickets when transportation requests can be used, unless distance is less than 100 miles. A charge for cash railroad or Pullman fare must show starting point and destination.
[[in italics]] Don't incur ANY expense not covered by letter of authority. [[/in italics]]

Subvouchers must be taken for lodging, special transportation, personal services, express and freight shipments, and all purchases in excess of $1.50.
Subvouchers for express shipments must show weight and contents of each shipment.
The signature to a receipt must agree with name at top of subvoucher. In case of an incorporated or nonincorporated company, the full name and title of signer must be given

Render accounts once a month; include all expenses incurred during the month; enter items in chronological order.
Always state date and hour of departure and arrival.
Give initials of railroad when cash fare is paid.
Always state time, distance, terminal points, and rate when stage, carriage, or other special transportation is used.
Enter waiter tips and street-car fares each day.
Designate meals on trains as "en route;" the point at which any other meal, not included in hotel subvouchers, is taken, must be shown.
Explain any apparent duplication of expense or any unusual expenditure.
[[italics]] Chief, Division of Accounts, and Disbursing Clerk. [[/italics]]


[[end page]]
[[start page]]

---------^[[April 20]], 19---^[[11]]
[[preprinted table]]
     | Dollars. | Cents.
Breakfast ----------------- | ---- | ----
Dinner -------------------- | ---- | ----
Supper -------------------- | ---- | ----
Lodging ------------------- | ---- | ----
Pullman porter ------------ | ---- | ----
Waiter fees --------------- | ---- | ----
Hotel porter -------------- | ---- | ----
Station porter ------------ | ---- | ----
Checking baggage ---------- | ---- | ----
^[[ [[checkmark]] transfer
chest to museum from
express office]] ---------- | ---- | ^[[.50 [[checkmark]] ]]
^[[40 mty 16 guage shells]] | ---- | ^[[.40 [[checkmark]] ]]
^[[1 bx wads 16 guage]] --- | ---- | ^[[.20 [[checkmark]] ]]
^[[1 card board. 16 guage ---------- ^[[.10 [[checkmark]] ]]
^[[needles 1 Pa. ------------------- ^[[.05 [[checkmark]] ]]
^[[2 spools thread @5]] ------------ ^[[.10 [[checkmark]] ]]
^[[s.v. 8 rolls Kodak Films]] ------ ^[[3.20 [[checkmark]] ]]
^[[2 pencils]] --------------------- ^[[.10 [[checkmark]] ]]
^[[2 lbs powder Alum]] ------------- ^[[.40 [[checkmark]] ]]
^[[1 [[strikethrough]] Bot [[/strikethrough]] Plant Catalog]] -------- ^[[.35 [[checkmark]] ]]
^[[2 straps for Plant Press]] ------ ^[[.30 [[checkmark]] ]]
