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ca. 2.8 Km from Araguari river.  (coming from the Araguari on the left hand side of the road where there is a bridge.

About 1/2 to 2.8 Km [[image - upward arrow]] I saw a clump of Bambues, it looks like the one I colected in flower.  The bambues is ca. 5 m from the road & [[plus or minus symbol]] [[canes?]] by the secondary tall growth along the road

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July, Aug. [[mejes?]] [[epore?]] [[fanl?]] [[remetes?]] x barro el [[underlined]] Araguari [[/underlined]]
El [[tranjan?]] & [[en?]] pour [[inejos?]] 

June, [[underlined]] July, August [[/underlined]] es lo [[inejos?]] e [[fore?]] [[depes?]] de [[llena?]] [[can?]] [[Terrined?]] en July. [[ejone?]] de [[rend?]] [[lors?]] [[cidi?]] de plantes