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green, somehow tuft. [[Poigone?]] [[underlined]] is not [[/underlined]] like [[Macloucotyne?]] but like [[Panama?]]. 
long, thick rhizomes branching & [[trillening?]]. 
FAA: leaves
Phot: b & w

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[[start page]]

Dec. [[strikethrough]] 6 [[/strikethrough]] 1st, 1974.  2277
Orthodode laxa 
Amapa, region of Serra do Navio, trail in the vicinity of the village, on the [[back?]] of hospital - (creek)
150 m. 
Very humidid forest
Many Olyreae [[insertion]] Q& Perianese [[/insertion]] seen without flowers. 
Also O. [[marontoemises?]] [[/strikethrough]] flowering [[/strikethrough]] with many in inflorescences (not colected
near -
[[Out.?]] near trail, in