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[[preprinted]] Monday, January 16, 1865. [[/preprinted]]
Morning, write on Report, and Brothertons notes. 
Afternoon, go down town after a plasterer. Drop in on the academy, and get all the shells except Unio. into the cases, so that no darned son of mortality, shall get them filled up with something else. Evening, go to Masons to tea. Pass a very pleasant evening. A little snow in afternoon made slippery walks. no letters.

[[preprinted]] Tuesday 17 [[/preprinted]]
Morning, write, and assist Mrs. Foster. go after plasterer and repair bedstead. After noon go up to Sherman House with letters for D'Aligny, who wishes me good speed on my expedition. Evening at the Academy. Prof. Lewell, Jack Frost, Mason, Kennicott and myself, five steady workers, there this evening. I get my loose ends packed a little. No letters. Bannister writes that he is glad I am going north so he will be in good company!

[[preprinted]] Wednesday 18 [[/preprinted]]
Morning, write and help Mrs Foster about some domestic arrangements. Afternoon. Go to binder and get books. Also to 
Academy for a few minutes. Stimpson expected to night. Note to Kennicott from Put. about pamphlets. Evening. Go up to the Academy and work on Catalogue till 12. Stimpson not arrived then. Got considerable done one or two more nights will finish it up. Letter from mother after her usual style. flippant and superficial. No satisfaction in it. Answer it and write to Baltimore and Frannie L. Fort Fisher is ours! Hic jacet Butler. Porter redivivus. Cum grano utrisque?

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[[preprinted]] Thursday, January 19, 1865. [[/preprinted]]
Clock mending and writing in the morning. A sunny cold day. Col. Foster improving. Write steadily all day. Evening. Letter from Mrs. Evered. Stimpson not yet arrived. Work at Acad. Prof. Pewel, Frost, Dr. Roler, Dr. Stebbins, Davis Mason, and myself beside K. Mason ties on 20 lables!! I should not wonder if he went to work and did some thing, some day. We get through considerable work and have a pleasant evening. K. had an attack of the vertigo, and as the P. & H.W. train has run off the track, I dont believe Stimpson will be there tonight.

[[preprinted]] Friday 20 [[/preprinted]]
Morning. write on Rep. Go to the Bank and passing by the Sherman House meet K. & Stimpson. Write like blazes all the afternoon and in the evening go up to Acad. No one there till 8. when Mason drops in and finally K.& S. We have a jolly evening, and unpack Styms box of sundries, mostly Mya, mercenaria, and mactra. Some neat shells from the Canary Islands. Finish my catalogue and find I have about 1400 sp. Letter from Sadie. Frannie R. has gone to Port Royalto teach. with Miss Bothums I am sorry: but she may have a pleasant time, after all. 

[[preprinted]] Saturday 21 [[/preprinted]]
Morning, write. Col. F. comes down. Finish up the the first part of the Report. About half past one hurry off to meet K. & S. I have note for a pass, but the man who attends to passes, is gone to dinner. Leave the Academy at 2.40 Stimpson has a bad touch of rheumatism. Weather changes from pleasant & warm. to chilly. meet Alice Reilly at the depot. Flint & Bruno don't come out. 
Have to wait after arriving at Des Plaines a half hour for a tardy little Dutchman with the team. Arrive at last and find a warm welcome. Meet Mary & Lillie Kennicott and Amasa & wife.