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[[preprinted]] SUNDAY, JANUARY 22, 1865. [[/preprinted]]
Morning discuss developement theory with Stimpson who is a Darwinian. After dinner ride in sleigh to Mrs Caroline K's and meet Misses Fannie, Grace and Rose, and also Frank, Gus and Mark, Kennicott. In two sleighs we then ride five or six miles to Mr Hiram Kennicotts. Miss Mary being under my special charge. We have an adventure with some tipsy Dutchmen. take supper at Hirams. after supper singing and return with Mary, Grace, and others. Even. Assist Mary with her composition on "Ink" and pretty tired, to bed. 

[[preprinted]] MONDAY 23 [[/preprinted]]
Start after breakfast for the depot, with Alice, Mary, Stim. & Bob. and find it extremely cold. Drop M. at the schoolhouse where the friend of Nap. III and the hero of Magenta, teaches for $35.00 a month. Arrive in town and go to the Academy where I delight Stim. with the sight of Stenothyra & Aenmobates, two genera which he had never seen and which he wanted very much. Go home and write. In the evening go over on the north side and call on Mrs Clarke and Mrs Greeley, who promises me letters to San Francisco. No letters from home. Field meeting tomorrow night at the Acad. 

[[preprinted]] TUESDAY 24 [[/preprinted]]
Morning write &c. Go up with mss for Tilden, letters & boxes in the afternoon. Go into Academy and show letter just rec'd to him. The whole plan of the Expedition is so wrapped in mystery that I shall not regard it, until I can find out the particulars. In the evening I go up to the Academy. A bitter cold night. I am met with the news that the Smithsonian is in flames. Great Heavens! if this be true and the library, and the collections are destroyed the loss is irreparable. My own little troubles sink into insignificance before those of Stimpson who has lost the labor of fifteen years; and of all naturalists of the world. 

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[[preprinted]] WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 25, 1865. [[/preprinted]]
By the paper I learn that the loss of the S.I. is not so great as I feared, but the particulars I must learn from S. & K. Go up with note about coal to Arthur, don't see him but Hewitt who behaves in a rather unnecessary manner to speak mildly. Stimp. leaves at 5.30 for Wash. in better spirits. I hurry down to Col. F.s and off to Mrs. Hathaways to tea. Going up like a fool, I get my right ear frost-bitten and don't discover it till in the warm parlor. Have some fine singing from Miss Whiting and off to Acad. Find good news from S.I. damage less than expected, manuscripts safe. Spend the night at the Academy with K. label birds &c. No letters from the East.

[[preprinted]] THURSDAY 26 [[/preprinted]]
Breakfasted with Bob, at his boarding house, and go down to the house at 8.40. Write away on Report and get 140 pps done. Very cold. My ear gets on better than I expected , though swollen and painful. W. Kirkland comes to see Col. F. and states that Hewitt made an incorrect assertion about the coal. In the evening I start, well wrapped up from the wind, in scarf and shawl, and reach Acad. without damage. K. not there, but Jack Frost & Davis on reptiles and skulls, label a number of boxes and progress reasonably well. Get home and talk with Col. ab't Baird & to bed.
[[preprinted]] FRIDAY 27 [[/preprinted]]
Write away, and finish up the Report. Hallelujah! In the afternoon go up town and Express it to New York. Get drawing pen, and tobacco. Step in to the Acad. Find all busy except Nason, why won't he take hold and help. If I only had his chances I would be something, or somebody! Even'g Go up to the Acad. and work on bird labels & mammals, till 12 o/clock. Get together mammals to send to Putnam, Verrill, Agassis, Phil. Acad. &c. K. wants me to spend Saturday there. and help him. I think of taking up the birds while he is away, and looking after them.