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[[preprinted]] FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 3, 1865. [[/preprinted]]
Morning, Catherine throws one of my mittens, which cost $3.00 and which I had hoped to keep two years at least; into the fire through sheer carelessness. Go to look after coal. Afternoon go up town and go into the Acad. Help K. with the birds for an hour. No letters from home. Evening. Check off mounted birds, and mountable skins. Bob, packs up, and I go down with him to the Michigan Southern depot, where he leaves at 9:30 for Cleveland. He will telegraph me from New York the particulars of the Expedition etc. I hope to hear from Ogden soon. Saw Emerson in the morning and showed up the museum.

[[preprinted]] SATURDAY 4 [[/preprinted]]
Morning dull and wet. Draw on map etc. Afternoon go up for letters. One from home at last, confessing inability to advise me. If this had only been said at first, what a deal of pain it would have saved me. Letter from father, kind and pleasant, bless him; at Madras. Go up to the Acad in the Evening & arrange shells, after painting letters for the children.
Oh, if I had riches! but I have not;-
I will not be waiting my fortuneless lot,
But go on my way, with the little I have,
And carry my burdens, with faith, to the grave.

[[preprinted]] SUNDAY 5 [[/preprinted]]
Morning, Mr. Collyer on the laborers in the vineyard & payment of a penny to all. He argued that we should all succeed and receive our reward even if we labored but one hour. I always thought that this parable & the words of Christ to the Samaritan woman who would be healed, and the text, "to him that hath shall be given etc" were unchristian and unjust in spirit & letter. 
Dined at the Collyers. Home, write to mother, and go up to the Academy in the evening. Box up a lot of shells. Must Call on the Healys tomorrow.

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[[preprinted]] MONDAY, FEBRUARY 6, 1865. [[/preprinted]]
Morning copy on F. Memorial to the directors of the I.C. Go uptown and pay gas bill call at bank, leave express packages. Buy a pair of cloth gloves. no letters. Afternoon correct Report etc. Evening, go up to the Healys, and make a very pleasant call, play a game of chess with Miss Mary, who beats me, very well. She is a good player though a beginner. I wish I had time to practice this game, it sharpens ones wits, wonderfully. Weather more mild, snowy a little. Scudders box of insects arrived today, [[underlined]] not [[/underlined]] in perfect condition. I will raise thunder, with Geo. Armstrong if he keeps opening my mail parcels.

[[preprinted]] TUESDAY 7 [[/preprinted]]
Dull & snowy. Not much to do. Draw somewhat in Carpenter and write. Afternoon, Go up town, and get letters from Putnam and Tom Newell. Evening. Go up to the Academy get out list of big bird skins, and packup some more shells. Nason there with me but don't work. When Bob went away, he told me not to hesitate if the occasion required but to go up and use his room at the Academy and gave me a [[strikethrough]] not [[/strikethrough]] name of a connection of his who keeps a cheap boarding house on State Street No. 90. It will be very convenient to be able to do it.

[[preprinted]] WEDNESDAY 8 [[/preprinted]]
Morning. Col. F. very irritable because I found some trouble in getting the fire to burn in his study, a thing which I do only to accommodate him & which he has no manner of right to require me to do. I shall leave him very soon, but I hoped to wait without trouble, till a reply came from Mr. Ogden. I have made a settlement with the Co. of a reasonable character, $65.00 a month and $8.00 weekly for board deducted leaving me about $120.00 in hand. Get a note to Mrs McDougall from Mr. Redfield and get draft cashed at Sturgess'. Evening, the Academy and shells with Nason, who has a note from Stimpson. Shall probably go up there to sleep & board at Mrs McD's.